I must say, when I heard David Miller, Toronto mayor, speak about how the United States is responsible for supplying guns to Canada, I wondered "who the heck voted for this guy?" It was one of the silliest statements I had ever heard. What were Torontonians thinking? Our border guards are responsible for what comes into Canada from the US. The US border guards don't check people when they enter Canada, Canadians do.
I can remember as a little girl travelling to Canada years ago with my father, mother, two brothers and a sister crammed into a station wagon coming back to Canada after a holiday. I was quite perturbed when we were removed from the old station wagon and guards pored over the vehicle looking for who knows what. Surely they can discover the gun smuggling if they are that thorough!
After reading about the armed dangerous criminals from the US driving towards the unarmed Canadian border last week, I was not surprised that Canadian border guards vacated their posts due to the danger as they are unarmed. The US actually had to come across and capture them for us.
The liberal government left our Canadian border guards unarmed. This castrated them to the point that the only people they are probably thorough with is families in station wagons. The nerve of our government and the nerve of the Toronto mayor. So, it should be no surprise that as Toronto voted for this David Miller, they also voted for the Liberals. The country should be relieved that they voted differently than Toronto.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Toronto Liberal vote should be no surprise
Monday, January 23, 2006
Congratulations Prime Minister Stephen Harper!
It feels good to breathe again. I would like to congratulate our new prime minister, Stephen Harper, and my fellow Canadians for Standing Up for Canada!
Congratulations, Prime Minister Harper and Congratulations, Canada!
Update: Okay, I can't resist a good ol' fashioned Calgarian "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAW"
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Canada Can Do Better - Stand Up for Canada!
In the
218 reasons NOT to vote for the Liberals
There are many many reasons but other than corruption, entitlement, etc - please note the following excerpt from the above article. For a country in such good shape (supposedly), we have a lot of work to do. Can you imagine if we hit a recession?
211 Economy: 12th among industrialized nations, according to Conference Board of
212 Competitiveness: 14th, according to World Economic Forum (down from 4th in 1997).
213 Health care: 30th in efficiency, according to World Health Organization.
214 Ethics: 14th, says Transparency International, due to "marked increase" in corruption (down from 5th).
215 Military spending: 153rd out of 192 countries, based on percentage of GDP; 14th in per-capita spending.
216 Peacekeeping: 36th, according to UN.
217 Personal income tax burden: Highest in G-8, says OECD.
218 Marginal tax rates: Second only to
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Liberal Dictatorship
Stephen Harper has been criticized by Martin for saying that the liberal appointed judges may not be independent. Once again, this shows the arrogance of the liberals. First, it shows that the liberals insist their agenda is the Canadian agenda and anything else is un-Canadian. Secondly, it expects us to believe that anyone in power is beyond reproach or examination.
Yes, I would like to believe that people in power, be they our government, the senate, judges, etc have the best of intentions. However, realistically, we know this to be false - particularly when power over long periods of time plays a part. The liberal government appointed the senate and the judges, not the Canadian people nor the parliament. The liberal government has had numerous investigations for a variety of unethical, corrupt, and criminal practices in government. It has been shown that most of these judges have contributed regularly to the liberal party. Follow the money. A corrupt government assigns power and we should blindly accept their choices?
The liberals truly expect us to be stupid enough to have blind faith in their appointees. Stephen Harper is chastised and demonized for questioning the absolute power wielded by the liberals. I, for one, am truly scared by the dictatorship in our government and the liberal attitude that we should not question this power. I pray Canadians and the media think this through before casting their votes.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
True nature?
Crack in Liberal Bedrock
When I start feeling sorry for him, I think of this picture. I believe it reveals his campaign strategy and true feelings.
Dirty Bombs
As mentioned in a previous post, here's one of the bombs that we know about.
As it turns out, apparently a caller who called in to the Shaw Cable call-in show outright lied about a conservative candidate and it was vicious. Turns out the call came from a liberal campaign office?!
Read more at:
For Sale: Oceanfront Property in Alberta
For those of you who really believe that Paul Martin is all about ethics, cleaning up his government and their scandals, visit this Democracy Watch new release from September 2005. The ethics commissioner is appointed by the prime minister, as is the senate, as are the judges, etc etc etc. Then tell me you believe him.... I've got some oceanfront property for sale here in Alberta!
- Group Files Court Challenge of Federal Ethics Commissioner, Registrar of Lobbyists
- Tories have best accountability platform: watchdog. h/t to Bourque Newswatch. Note that the Liberal platform for accountability gets an F.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures
Expect dirty bombs from the liberal war room. In the liberals desperation to retain control, take everything with a grain of salt. In particular, I doubt the CTV polls that put the Conservatives ahead of the Liberals by 18%. I would not doubt that this is a ploy to get liberals more motivated to vote. We have seen the lack of ethics within the government so, paranoid that I am, I expect more of the same. The email from the StandUpForCanada domain that was registered in Russia is another example trying to suggest the Conservative "hidden agenda". Who would be motivated to set this up?
Desperate times call for desperate measures and when ethics are not required, do not believe everything you see and read. In fact, fundamentally, be very very careful ...
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Adscam - tip of the iceberg
As mentioned in previous posts, I believe the liberals are scared. Not scared of Harper's "hidden agenda" but of his real agenda - cleaning up government. I believe Adscam, Options Canada, Reloscam, etc are the tip of the iceberg. Years of entitlement have encouraged years of questionable transactions. Here are some more questionable items to ponder:
- Dust My Broom blog discusses liberal money laundering. The blog links to the article Feds' million-dollar baby by Licia Corbella
- Alberta Avenue blog talks about using federal funds to control fallout from the Gomery Report. More Liberal Theft
- Martin's secret agenda agent Peter Foster, Financial Post Published: Friday, January 13, 2006
- Canada's Strong Role of Pride and Leadership This blog contains a link to the following article on National Review:
- Strong Implications. What the Park arrest portends.
- new source: h/t to Small Dead Animals . Many articles on M. Strong, Oil-for Food, etc here at Friends of Saddam: Canada Archives
Waiting to exhale
I started this blog with pessimism, angst,and concern over my Canada and my fellow Canadians. I really couldn't believe that the people of Canada could support the liberals after all the problems in our country and the corruption of the government. I have been quiet over the last few days and I couldn't bring myself to write. I realized that I have been holding my breath.
It is with hope and pride that I see the liberals moving down in the polls. After years of government control and spin and government social engineering, I was losing hope that my fellow Canadians would rise up against it. Can it be true that other Canadians hold my values? Can it be true that other Canadians have pride in Canada and will not condone a corrupt government? Are Canadians finally realizing that it is not right versus left but right versus wrong?
I hope and pray and shall continue to hold my breath until January 23rd.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Liberals are showing "true colors"
The Liberals are getting desperate as polls show the Conservatives have pulled ahead. They have pulled out all the stops and jumped in with the "scary" negative attack ads we have all predicted. Only this time, they have surprised even me and obviously the media. I believe that they aren't merely scared at the prospect of losing an election; I believe they are scared that the "free-for-all" is over and may end up being investigated. Desperation has brought them to an all-time low with a Harper attack ad that puts down the Canadian military. Truly low.
It is with surprise and delight that journalists are standing up to them finally. After years of yelling at you during Question Period, Mike Duffy, let me shake your hand. I say good for you! The bigger story, of course, is the nerve and gall of our liberal government.
Monday, January 09, 2006
"Joyless Prosperity"
I read Lorrie Goldstein's article in the Calgary Sun yesterday as well as the following Toronto Sun Editorial regarding pollster Allan Gregg comments about "joyless prosperity":
Think about it. The liberals are running on their financial record and exclaiming how well Canada is doing. During supposedly prosperous times, our health care system is falling apart, our military has been decimated, our native reserves are in dire straits, our students are building up unprecedented debt, our waters are polluted, our utilities are through the roof, etc.
Consider for a moment what kind of trouble we would be in if a recession takes hold in the next couple of years as predicted. Now that is scary!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Kyoto = Oil-for-food = Money for Dictators & UN advisors
To sum it all up, it allegedly appears that money from Saddam Hussein through Tongsun Park was given to Maurice Strong to invest in Cordex Petroleum (which was on Paul Martin's list of assets). Tongsun Park has been arrested and the US congress has called for an investigation into Maurice Strong's role in the scandal. However the Canadian Government (read liberals) voted not to investigate Maurice's role in the Oil-for-food scandal (surprise, surprise). Maurice Strong has been a long time advisor to Prime Minister Paul Martin.
Congressional report calls for investigation of Maurice Strong's ...
Canada's Maurice Strong: Didn't Know the "Money Was From Iraq"
Maurice Strong is also the architect of Kyoto. Now, it may be a stretch but it does get me wondering if Kyoto is just another way to line more pockets. Both Oil-for-food and Kyoto sound like noble endeavors in theory. Smart man.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Canadian "BS"ing Corporation
I have seen some bloggers refer to the CBC as Pravda and I totally agree. The CBC is only surviving due to government funding. Due to this, they (on top of their socialistic journalism training) must pander to the government in order to survive. A commenter on the SDA blog (http://www.smalldeadanimals.com) raised the issue that they should be under the election gag law as it advertises for the liberals during the election. Excellent point Phil. Also note how the CBC has provided the government with the last two Governor Generals. How could you trust a government-funded newscast with Governor General appointees in-waiting? It is a conflict of interest.
I stopped watching or listening to the CBC years ago when it gave me heartburn and turned my stomach every time I turned it on. The only programs I watched were Royal Canadian Air Farce and This Hour has 22 minutes. However, I stopped watching those during the last election as well for the same reason. The outright bias displayed was outrageous.
However, last night, I tuned in (sucker for punishment I guess) and was pleasantly surprised. They took as many whacks at Martin as they did at Harper. The final shot was on This Hour has 22 minutes where the last monologue goes something like this (not word for word but the gist of it was this):
We congratulate Paul Martin on his campaign strategy of not doing much in hope that the Conservatives will screw up and say something like Mr. Martin's communication director did with beer and popcorn, or like his Ontario liberal Mike Klander did with his personal attacks on Olivia Chow, or like his finance minister did with the leak on the Income Trust scandal. Good job Mr. Martin.
Kudos where it is due.... it was a pleasant surprise.
Liberal Storytime
There are alot of angry parents who have chosen to stay home and care for their children. One of those angry parents is my own. Here is my mother's submission:
I would like the liberals to answer a question my son asked me when he was young. He said some of his friends' moms were going back to work. "How come you aren't? Are you stupid?"
My answer: "I thought about going back to work because then my conversations wouldn't just be 'No, you can't' or 'Yes, you can.' But I thought and thought about who would care more about my children than me and I couldn't think of anyone who would. So, do you think I'm stupid?"
He said "I guess not".
Do the Liberals feel that parents who stay at home to care for their children are stupid?
I can understand my mother's and other parents' anger when the liberals claim families would spend their money on "beer and popcorn";when they claim the government knows how to raise children better than their parents do and will make better decisions. This attitude is not a matter of making it easier for those parents who must work, it is actually denigrating parents who don't work outside the home.
The conservative plan will help those parents who choose to stay at home and choose their children's care as their job, those parents who work shift work, those parents who work from home, those parents in rural communities, those parents who choose to leave their children with family, as well as the parents that choose not to.

Friday, January 06, 2006
Liberal Hidden Agenda
... lining their pockets.
and 30+ RCMP investigations not including those that disappeared (ie: Shawinigate).
'nuff said.
Provincial Governments Get Bad Rap
Let me tell you a story. In the late '90's, there were massive cuts to our healthcare system here in Calgary. Hospitals were shut down and people were dying due to inadequate care (don't kid yourself, they still are). I was livid at our provincial government, calling talk show stations, writing letters to the editor, etc. In the next provincial election, I did not vote for Klein and the conservatives as I could not condone this. (Unlike the liberals, I will not vote for a party that has proved themselves lacking)
It wasn't until a few years later, that we were told why. The federal government had cut transfer payments to the provinces by 25 billion dollars. Billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars. Now, I am not defending the Klein government or the Harris government's policies however they were left in dire straits. Healthcare costs were (and are) soaring, healthcare was having problems already, and in a time of growing health demands, the federal government decided they didn't want to pay for it. What were provinces to do? 25 billion dollars!
My numbers may be off here somewhat but at one time the federal government accounted for 50% or so of healthcare costs and now provide somewhere around 10% of healthcare costs. It is no wonder that healthcare has suffered and no wonder the provinces had to do something. Where is the federal accountability on this. It is not the provinces that failed us but the federal government who caused thousands of deaths of Canadians.
So, when I hear the lefties spouting about how the provincial conservative governments ruined our nation's healthcare system, etc etc with their cutbacks, I see red. Put the blame where it belongs - on the Liberals. Remember, 25 billion dollars. How many billions on their scams and boondoggles could have been used to save lives in Canada?
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Progressive Consiberals
I am laughing so hard my cheeks and my teeth hurt! This is a classic on so many levels.
I just went back and read it again and it makes me laugh every darn time.
On a more serious note, can someone explain to me what Progressive Bloggers and Red Tories are? Does this article have a point? They seem to be liberals but I am not sure. Are they hiding? I'm just a good ol' conservative..
'Splain it to me Lucy.
Update: Thanks to Alberta Avenue for getting me up to speed on the terminology. More smart people out there. So, the Progressive Bloggers are in hiding... and actually the Progressive Consiberals!
Warning: GAGGER
I had to go to the dentist today. During the checkup, he asked if I grind or clench my teeth. I told him that I probably did but that would hopefully end after the election. The hygienist also mentioned that "GAGGER" was written at the top of my chart. I am hoping that will end as well...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Explain this to the bill collectors!
From the liberal website:
Today the Canadian Economy is the envy of the G-7 group of industrialized nations – the world’s most powerful economies – thanks to more than a decade of Liberal government.
When you don't pay your bills for years, it is easy to have surpluses. When you cut billions in transfer payments for education and healthcare to all the provinces, when you take money out of the EI fund, when you don't donate the money to the Tsunami relief fund promised so it sits in your coffers and gains interest, when you don't pay for the promises committed to in the last election and in the budget, it is easy to come out ahead. If I stopped paying my financial obligations, I would be rich as well. I'm sure I would be the envy of my friends until I got arrested for not making my commitments.
Oh yeah, and just out of interest, where does our healthcare system rank in the G-7 group of industrialized countries?
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Liberal supporters can be funny!
I think Rick is a liberal supporter. I don't know for sure but he is on the payroll for his one tonne challenge commercial so I'm guessing. However misdirected, he certainly does make me laugh.
If you need a laugh during the campaign, check out:
Headlines at this site include:
New Liberal attack ad pre-empts Tory pre-emptive attack of Liberal attack ad.AND
Liberals focus on crucial “enriched income-trust investor” demographic.
I don't care who you are, now that's funny!
Same-sex what?
I have argued and understand both sides of this issue. However, I really feel I need to set the record straight as I don't think it has been clear. I know I wasn't completely sure at first.
The conservatives are not wanting to abolish the rights nor the unions of gay couples. They merely don't want to call it marriage. I believe they want to call it some sort of union with all the rights and advantages (I call them disadvantages - cynic that I am) of a traditional marriage.
This is a fair compromise that the majority of Canadians can stand behind. There is no right to the title but there are rights to the union, no matter what it's called.
P.S. No name calling is required or requested....
Monday, January 02, 2006
Another wise Canadian
There are a few out there, thank heavens.
If you want the real scoop on our much-loved healthcare system, read the blog below. Your resolution for the year will be staying healthy....
Is the glass half full?
I have been very pessimistic about the state of Canada and Canadian attitudes for the last few months. After seeing the poll results that have the Conservatives in the lead for the first time in years, I have a faint sense of hope.
However, I still have to wonder what people are thinking when the Conservatives are ahead by 1% in the polls after Adscam, Reloscam, Income Trust, and the myriad of other charges against the governing party. I'm thinking there's alot of half empty people out there.
One of my favorite quotes:
Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains. -Sir Winston Churchill.
The funny thing is, I must not have a heart. I wrote a paper in Grade 12 English about the benefits of Capitalism for my socialist teacher. I must say, I was idealistic and naive enough to think that it might make her think a little. LOL. I learned my lesson....I received the only failing grade I ever received in high school.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
A wise Canadian
Now perhaps I find him wise because I agree with him but this interview is representative of my views. Very refreshing yet depressing. The natives are simply a microcosm of Canadians, from what I can see.
Love that kills