I cannot believe the number of Canadians that are anti-american. I am completely flabbergasted by this. Those Canadians that all shout about how you can't be anti-Muslim because not all Muslims are the same, shake their fists at Americans. I have heard people say during that embarrassing time with junior hockey that worse than Canada losing would be the US winning. Unbelievable. It is as politically correct in Canada to hate america as it is to bully smokers.
Some say it is the actions of their government now and in the past. Some point at the Iraq war to justify their significant and unjustified hatred. (I will blog about that sometime as well so you can hate me too). Let me remind you Canadians that America is made up of lefties and righties just as Canada is. I have a beef with the lefties in Canada as much as the lefties in the US. To lump all Americans together is the same as lumping all Canadians together and for that matter all Christians and all Muslims. If you listen to the lefties, they will lump all Christians into fanatics and all Muslims into misunderstood underdogs. I suggest that lefties are the intolerant of the world. Anti-Americanism is as intolerant as it gets.
As different as Canadians and Americans might be, we are also similar. We are all part of western civiization , share a continent, share the belief in freedom, democracy, human rights, etc etc etc. I can guarantee, even with all our gutless ranting about the US, they would come to bat for us ... and in this world, we should be thankful. As we don't have a military, we will need them.
I could go on and on however, let me ask you these questions:
If you have such a hatred for all things american, how do you expect peace to prevail? If we can't tolerate our neighbors differences, how on earth are we going to tolerate great differences?
There are real enemies out there who won't tolerate us and our infantile finger pointing. Heck, they burn and murder over cartoons. Pick your battles.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Anti-Americanism is Intolerant
Saturday, February 11, 2006
I Only Play a Doctor on TV...
For those of you who tout the existing Medicare system as a Canadian value, read the link below. We all watch the tv show ER and see people in life and death situations getting the tests they require "stat" so decisions can be made to save lives. Read the real story:
On a Personal Note
Monday, February 06, 2006
Crossing the Floor does NOT = Corruption
Okay folks, I too was honestly disappointed by the Emmerson crossing for a cabinet seat scenario. However, for those of you who are comparing it to Belinda OR saying the CPC are the same as the fiberals, lets get real. It definitely was a blow to us idealists out there however lets consider the differences.
First of all, crossing the floor is not illegal. Should it be? As Stephen Harper said, he doesn't agree it should be as it gives party leaders too much power. Myself, I would prefer alternatives like a bi-election but this is a difference of opinion, not a difference of legalities.
Secondly, as my father said, Belinda switched parties as a newbie with no portfolio or experience. She was enticed to switch to a party that was under criminal investigations and ethical investigations for a cabinet post prior to a non-confidence vote against the government. Do you think she did this for her constituents or herself? Do you think the party did it for the "good of Canada"? If she had switched to a party that was not seriously corrupted, I would not have been as upset. I wasn't upset over Brison leaving at all.
Should there be a bi-election? I tend to think so or at the very least, they should sit as an independent. Can that independent then be named to a cabinet post? I suppose he or she could be. Does this mean the Conservatives are as bad as the liberals? Not by a long shot. Politics as usual but not corruption as usual.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Cartoons or Suicide Bombings - hmmm, what to Demonize?
In the recent protests of Muslims against the Denmark cartoons, people are questioning free speech, etc. I am questioning the Muslims' priorities and true values and beliefs. Time and time again, the world talked about the silence of the Muslim population throughout the world after September 11th's tragedy, the London bombings etc. In an article in the UK, the Muslim clerics denounce murder and the taking of innocent lives and state that Muslims should pray for the defeat of terrorism and extremism.
UK Muslims issue bombings fatwa
Yet, cartoons bring about a Muslim outcry around the world. I ask the followers of Islam, what would Mohammed want you to pray for or publicly protest... cartoonists or murderers of innocent lives?