Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Celestial Junk Blog: Cartoons, Duplicity, and the Unhinged Left
Celestial Junk Blog: Cartoons, Duplicity, and the Unhinged Left
A clear vision of the confusion we face. Instead of socialist politics, it is an anti-conservative religion.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Why Elected Senate is a must.
Can an appointed senator to the age of 75 be fired? I doubt it but this one deserves it.
I remember the news media (I use that term loosely) and liberals in Canada were all up in arms because during the election, Stephen Harper said that the Canadian senate and courts were filled with liberals. The nerve of the man to suggest that there was bias in the senate and courts.
Recently, however, the nerve and bias of these senators was displayed by appointed for life Liberal senator Celine Hervieux-Payette. Read the following article by the CBC and note the headline. The headline really doesn't tell you what the story is really about, does it? Senator fires back at US family upset with seal hunt. Did she fire back with the reasons the seal hunt is important? No, she mentioned it but she mainly fired back insults. She fired back with a bunch of leftist, anti-American, anti-Iraq war, anti- diatribe about the US. Her personal opinion surely did not taint her response to this US family when responding as a Canadian senator? No bias there. Harper has his work cut out for him with years of liberal senate and court appointments stacking the deck. I hope the liberals did a better job appointing their judges.....
Senator fires back at US family upset with Seal Hunt
I am ashamed that this woman spoke for our country. Can we at least muzzle these people in international affairs?
Iraq Document translation
The following blog is posting translation of some of the documents found in Iraq. I believe this is an ongoing effort but I haven't seen additions in the last couple of days. Stay tuned.
Jveritas - Translating the Iraq Documents
Sunday, March 26, 2006
It is a worthy thing to fight for one’s freedom; it is another sight finer to fight for another man’s.
-Mark Twain
I took this quote from another blog. I had never seen it before but it is moving. I would recommend you visit American Citizen Soldier and view the videos he has created in Iraq. A little different than you would imagine or what the MSM shows you. This one made me smile and be thankful for some of our heroes.
For a Canadian hero's input, visit Far from Canadahar
I am not glorifying war here, but I am glorifying freedom. Some, on the other hand, believe in killing with kindness (as my father puts it) and the effects are even worse. Click here to read how our efforts on the reserves using socialism are paying off. Makes you wonder what you should be protesting.
Logic Test - Profiling
I recently received an article from a reader in Saskatoon on the evils of racial profiling. At the risk of offending one of my only readers, here are my comments on this:
During interviews, IQ tests, etc, invariably you are asked logic questions like: If a Widget is Panjay and a Panjay is a Gannet, are all Gannets Widgets? This is how I look at profiling whether it be racial, sexual, religious etc. If a KKK/neo nazi member is a Christian, are all Christians bigoted? If an Al Qaeda member is a Muslim, are all Muslims extremists? Of course not. So why then do people assume that if someone uses racial profiling, they are a racist. It is generalizing that is the problem, not subsetting.
Seriously, if you were looking for a neo nazi scum who had committed an atrocity, would you ensure that you checked a percentage of the black population? If you were looking for a serial rapist of women, would you ensure that you checked a percentage of women to look politically correct? If you were searching for terrorists at the airport, would you search a Catholic nun? It is obvious that assumptions cannot be made however logic prevails. The politically correct are sending people on a wild goose chase so as not to appear racist, etc.
Profiling is not bigoted but Generalizations are. Profiling is not racist but I am sure that all racists profile AND generalize. If you were profiling a racist, you may want to check profilers to be practical. I would not have a problem with that.
P.S. I do stand by my generalization, however, that all socialists/leftists are extremely misguided. My bad.
Addendum: I am completely against racism of any kind, religious prosecution etc. I feel so strongly that equality is a fundamental value that I hope, if need be (although I'd hate to have to prove it), I would risk my life to combat. The neo-nazis, KKK, Taliban, Islamic extremists etc are the bigots in every way and are the bullies and terrorists of the world. Their hatred is such that I believe war is the only option to combat them and keep our freedom.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
One of my fears confirmed...
Sharks do attack and they like Canadians. I knew sharks were anti-american!
Visitor survives shark attack in Hawaii
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
There but for the Grace of God...
I have been anxious over the fate of Abdul Rahman and the possibility of his execution for being a Christian. Some people seem to think that we are arrogant for wanting to push our values on other countries. I believe that basic human rights should always prevail and it has nothing to do with arrogance. We are all watching to see what happens here.
I must say that I was disappointed from an absence of statements from the US government regarding this case however I don't know the big picture. Perhaps something is being done and we're not hearing about it. Regardless, I am extremely happy that Prime Minister Harper is paying attention and he still has my vote! I may just have to change my blog subtitle as "my" government seems to be reflecting my "values" for a change.
Canada Supports Abdul Rahman
I also watched a television program on the Discovery channel's Case Against Saddam tonight. They were investigating a mass grave of 300 women and children in Iraq who were shot in the back of the head and then bulldozed over. These women and children were "allegedly" rounded up from a northern village, taken to jail, and then one night were removed. One woman had a 3 month old baby and one little boy still had a ball in his hand - all executed. I thank God that I was born in Canada. There, but for the grace of God, go I. And, please, do not talk to me about my arrogance for believing in basic human rights and that our way is better....
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Global Warming... schlobal schwarming...
I just posted this to bug my sister. I will blog more about this one day but the main point is to bug her after our discussion this weekend. Some questions are out there although some people seem to think (sis!) that there are no questions.
- Is global warming a fact?
- If global warming is a fact, what is actually causing it? Is it truly CO2 or sunspots or polarity shifts or natural earth changes?
- If CO2 is causing it, is man's contribution making a difference?
- And the final question to which I do have an answer... Will Kyoto solve this? Absolutely not.
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah - nanny nanny boo boo... global warming schlobal schwarming sis! Love ya!
Friday, March 17, 2006
We are at war - like it or not
I am one of the few Canadians (as far as I can see) that have supported the Iraq war since its inception. I sent an email to President Bush the night of the attack on Iraq thanking him as a Canadian for protecting us. We are at war, folks, and if you don't understand this... remember 9/11. Remember United Flight 93. Innocent people going about their daily lives, minding their own business, slaughtered. The terrorists have no qualms about this.. in fact, it is their goal.
I listen to those people who go on and on about how Bush lied. It is funny that they would trust that Saddam is honest and one of their own leaders lie. Don't get me wrong... I know about corruption... I have lived in Canada and been governed by the liberals for the last 12 years. I have seen people vote for corruption time and time again so I shouldn't be surprised that they would vote for Saddam over Bush. A monster who invaded Kuwait, used chemical weapons on thousands of his own people, and enjoyed placing people in wood chippers feet first. By all means, believe the monster.
So, although the Iraq war is complex and messy, I maintain that the war on terrorism is complex and messy. The new enemy is not a specific country but hordes of monsters infiltrating various countries. It is not the old days where the Soviet Union was the axis of evil and we could concentrate on that one country (although I am quite sure we are not finished with the possibilities there.) The war on terrorism is terrifying and I am quite sure many of us going about our own lives and minding our own business will be attacked over the coming years.
There is a very real enemy out there and regardless of our religious persuasions, sexual preferences, political view points, sex, etc... they have targeted us as their enemy.
I am glad that the US attacked Iraq for the following reasons:
- I believe Saddam had programs for WMDs without a shadow of a doubt. They were hidden and moved to Syria over months of games he played with the UN inspectors. Again, Saddam wouldn't lie, would he? Surely that is a republican trait, not a fascist trait.
- I believe that Saddam was in contact with Al Qaeda and supporting their endeavors (an enemy of of my enemy is my friend). Saddam hates the US and no doubt would have been creating a coalition with others who felt the same
- Saddam was in direct violation of many Gulf War UN sanctions and was well aware that the UN was ineffectual and was not following through. I had a parent in my office one day whose children were tearing apart my office. She repeatedly told the children she was going to call the police if they didn't settle down. They, of course, ignored her knowing this was not going to happen, and continued on. I think Saddam may be more intelligent than these children were.
- Saddam committed genocide with his own people and many atrocities. Some of you will say... well why didn't we step in in Rwanda? I don't know about the rest of you, but I would have stood by war on Rwanda for the same reason. Two wrongs don't make a right. We are talking about someone like Hitler here. These despots must be taken out. It is, however, stretching resources to make war and the place to start is with the despots that constitute a real threat to us. With all those people protesting this war, how can an administration ever commit to war on countries like Rwanda committing genocide without committing political suicide?
As time goes on, more proof of Saddam's intentions are coming to light. Some say that the reason the proof has taken so long to come to light is that these documents were kept from the public to avoid embarrassing Russia as we were dealing with them on Iran. Remember, there are larger politics out there than those between the democrats and the republicans. Remember that the real politics to be wary of are those of the world and perhaps Bush is concentrating on the bigger picture. I don't have the answers to how to fight this war in the future or where we go from here, but if we do not, we are doomed.
For further information and opinions on Saddam's intentions and what we are up against, click: ( I will add to this as I come across them)
- Saddam had WMD
- Document: Afghani Taliban Consul spoke of a Relationship between Iraq and Bin Laden
- Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq's WMD
- An Army of Translators Needed
- Operation Iraqi Freedom Documents
- The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Nordic Representation remembers the brutal massacre of 5 000 Kurdish civilians in the town of Halabja, 16 March 1988.
- The 'Bush Lied' folks can't be taken seriously
- Iraq: Lets quit confusing
- Washington File
- Dali Lama says Iraq War May be Justified
- Tehran's killing fields
- Newly released document links Saddam to al-Qaida. Indicates regime was cooperating with bin Laden group to strike U.S.
- Bush lied, People died - erosion
- The Head of the Snake
- Saddam's Terror Training Camps
- Michael Ignatieff Interview
- Ex-Offical: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD
- ****Anti-War Fuzzy Moral Math*** for you protesters out there... do the math on body counts and splain your morals please.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Pride, in our streets, in Canada.... I'm not making this up
I have been listening to talk radio today and reading blogs and I am thrilled. Prime Minister Harper visits Afghanistan to show his support for our troops and Canadians lift their chins. Wait for it.... Canadians are proud! Proud of their country and their leader. It is a very pleasant surprise. If I haven't referred or inferred in previous posts, I am proud of our soldiers and proud of our prime minister. I support our troops.
I will write more at some point on my support of the Afghanistan mission and, as mentioned, my support of the Iraq mission. There, I said it - bring on the lefties. Yes, I appear to be the only one in Canada but I do support the Iraq pre-emption. I believe Saddam and Iraq were a threat to the US and also to Canada. I believe Saddam had WMDs and ties to terrorists. I sent a thank you note to President Bush on the night the US attacked. Go ahead... slam me as un-Canadian. But I digress... I do not want to take away from the point of today's blog.
For the first time in a long time, I am hearing Canadian pride, in our streets. Way to go PMSH and way to go Canadian troops!
For those of you interested in what is happening in Afghanistan, I often read a Canadian soldier's blog - Far from Canadahar. He is a good writer and he will give you some insight on what is happening there and what life is like.
Friday, March 10, 2006
George Clooney is off my wish list
I caught a few minutes of the Oscars the other night and it didn't take long for me to turn it off. First of all, let me say that Jon Stewart had me howling. He razzed the hollywood crowd and it appears that 1) they don't have a sense of humour and 2) they don't have a clue.
In the past few years I have become very jaded on the hollywood crowd. I watch them spout their political views, promote charities, and push Kyoto. It is nice that they take the time but all in all, I find it extremely hypocritical. They try to guilt you on giving money to the poor and spend more on a haircut than I do on my mortgage payment. They try to guilt you on Kyoto and spend more heating their pool than I spend heating my house. Now, don't get me wrong..... they have a right to make money and they have a right to express it but I have a right not to believe a word they say anymore. They are so far out of touch with the world that they have no credence whatsoever. For those of you in business that are going to be using "big names" to push their products, this consumer will not be buying.
I watched The View once a few years ago where Star Jones dumped on Reality TV and those who appeared on it to try and make it big in "show biz". She was disgusted that these people thought that they should be stars like her. (I am paraphrasing as my memory is hazy but this was the general gist). She really felt that they had alot of nerve to believe they could be famous unlike her who had worked for it. Reality check, Star.... you got a lucky break as well. As luck would have it, there is a reality tv show star -Elizabeth- who now shares a seat at their table and is far more starworthy than Jones is.
Now to my point.... Clooney accepted his award and touted Hollywood as the enlightened group who had led and shaped society as far as racism, AIDS, etc. Give me a break and get a clue. I am sure that Rosa Parks did not use your movies or television shows as inspiration to refuse to give up her seat on the bus. I am sure that Martin Luther King was not enlightened by a talk show.
In today's society, in my view, the focus is on distraction and entertainment to avoid feeling. This has elevated hollywood and sports stars to super stardom. In my view, the real stars and real inspiration come from the Rosa Parks, Martin Luther Kings, and everyday people like our doctors working in a failing system, volunteers working in struggling charities, and the firemen and policemen who entered the towers on 9/11. These are the people who inspire us for the greater good. The hollywood crowd inspires me to turn off the TV.
I commented on the fact that Alberta has consistently voted in a conservative government provincially unlike other provinces and this has made Alberta successful. It is not just the conservative government but the attitude of the voters that voted in the government. That means, in general, Albertans are not looking to the government to take care of us unless we are in great need. Also, those people in other provinces that had some accountability, responsibility, and a hard working attitude that could not find work at home would move to Alberta. This has shaped a very entreprenurial hardworking attitude in Alberta.
Until the conservatives were voted in federally, Albertans were losing hope. As my parents mentioned, other provinces were bankrupting themselves and then looking to Alberta and wanting us to share. That's like a sibling who has spent all his allowance on videogames and then felt his sister should give him some of her part-time job earnings because he was broke and she made more than an allowance.
Now, Canada has voted in what looks to be a responsible government. Separatism has deflated as, although we didn't make a difference, the type of government we feel is right for Canada is in power. This also gave us hope that other Canadians weren't wrapped up in the "sense of entitlement" attitude.
However, we still fear the prevailing socialist attitude of many Canadians and another NEP grab. There are two large socialistic parties out there who are hungry for power and will do whatever they can to get it back. Alberta is still thinking that we better set ourselves up (the oft mentioned firewall) so that if need be, we can separate if socialism prevails. It is good sense considering the past and some of the comments we are hearing.
I could continue but Alberta Girl said it best in the following comment: