Raskolnikov writes about how far the pendulum has swung in our country. He discusses the native perspective in general however this can apply to many of the socialistic ideas in our country. When I mentioned hope in my Canada Day blog, it was with this insight in mind. Is it possible that the pendulum may come swinging back?
Read this piece of genius titled "You Say You Want a Revolution" at Dust My Broom.
Monday, July 17, 2006
The Pendulum of Multi-Culturalism and Socialism
"the Democracy Fairy"
The Caledonia Wake up Call website voices some of my concerns. I really think that there are quite a few Canadians who have no idea what went on in Caledonia. Here is my perspective on the situation:
The natives are upset over a deal made by one of their forefathers who sold/traded the tracts of land many years ago. Because the natives do not like the deal, they decided to take over a piece of land being developed and blockade the highway in Caledonia. They broke many laws, trashed and damaged public and private property, burned bridges and cars, and threatened violence to Caledonia citizens. The Ontario Provincial Police were instructed not to interfere with the native crimes as it was politically sensitive. Crimes were rampant by the natives and Caledonia residents were often left without security and defense. I truly feel for the Caledonia residents as Canada and the media have not stood up for them or told the story. At the current time, the provincial liberal government has purchased the land from the developers and is buying out some of the homes from Caledonia residents.
In effect, violence has worked for the natives and they have successfully blackmailed the provincial government. This, my friends, has been a prime example of racism in action against non-native people. I really feel that Canadian citizens have been bullied and terrorized while the rest of Canada just watched. I don't know about you but this scared and angered me. Nothing like a bully to get me heated.
Try to inform yourselves on this situation.
- Democracy - No Cost to Canadians (the Democracy Fairy - too true to be funny)
- Citizens of Caledonia website
- Dust My Broom - various opinion posts on Caledonia
- Small Dead Animals - opinions and links on Caledonia
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Happy Canada Day!
I have some hope that Canada is heading in the right direction. We need to focus on fixing our healthcare system and multiple other areas. With a good leader, I have some hope that common sense will prevail. It is an uphill battle but at least its a start and we are not going backwards all the time.
Happy Canada Day!