I am all for caring for our environment and I get choked when I hear of cities dumping their sewage into the bay. That's why it makes me upset when envirounmentalists go on about manmade global warming and CO2 disaster stories. This is unproven science and there is so much "proven" damage to the environment.
I know, I know... I apparently am a heretic and a "flat-earth" believer. Ahh well, note the subtitle of my blog... I'm used to it. To top it all off, I believe Kyoto is a money-grab designed by alleged UN "Oil-for-food" participant, Moe Strong.
At least I have some intelligent company out there.. surprisingly not part of the MSM or Hollywood crowd.
Global Warming Skeptics Contest Al Gore’s Logic on ‘Hannity and Colmes’
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Reminder: CO2 is NOT a pollutant...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Reprieve for Rona on the Environment
Everyone seems to believe that Rona got "kicked out" of her environmental cabinet position. Personally, I believe the environmental position in government is an extremely difficult position to be in. The environmental cause is full of activists and invested lobbyists and "experts" whose climate "models" cannot be questioned. I have heard through various news media that I don't have a brain, lack intelligence, etc etc for questioning these "models" and predictions of apocalypse.
The environment has become an emotional Canadian "value" regardless of common sense and inhibiting any debate. For that reason, I believe Rona is breathing a sigh of relief right now. It would be my guess that she was saddled with this position for a short term and was promised to be free of it at a certain point in time. Congratulations, Rona, for making it out alive!