Friday, March 16, 2007

Good Times

My sis posted this but it CRACKS me up. Just got back from holidays with my parents and my sister. Here is my to enlarge.

While I was away, some good friends looked after my dog. I have disguised them to protect their identity as I didn't get their permission to post the photo. They took this last time they looked after him. This time, they added two of their dogs to the bed. It is a double bed only!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

An Inconvenient Alternative

I just watched the documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. I have some questions regarding some points but less questions than I have regarding An Inconvenient Truth. I must say, I am getting more and more cynical regarding the UN, the media, hollywood, etc as I grow older. There are agendas everywhere and you must be very careful when viewing or reading anything anymore. This documentary should be watched by all who swallow everything hook, line, and sinker and especially those who watched the Academy Award winning documentary by Al Gore, who, incidentally, buys carbon credits in his own company. That alone should make you question his agenda.

Here are some links to blogs regarding the global warming hype and the OTHER documentary.

Thank heavens for bloggers because you won't hear this on the MSM as a rule.