Friday, March 16, 2007
Good Times

Monday, March 12, 2007
An Inconvenient Alternative
I just watched the documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. I have some questions regarding some points but less questions than I have regarding An Inconvenient Truth. I must say, I am getting more and more cynical regarding the UN, the media, hollywood, etc as I grow older. There are agendas everywhere and you must be very careful when viewing or reading anything anymore. This documentary should be watched by all who swallow everything hook, line, and sinker and especially those who watched the Academy Award winning documentary by Al Gore, who, incidentally, buys carbon credits in his own company. That alone should make you question his agenda.
Here are some links to blogs regarding the global warming hype and the OTHER documentary.
- The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Bright Sun, Warm Earth. Coincidence?
- Death to the Skeptic (a Canadian climatologist getting death threats)
- British Scientist warns of 'Moral Danger Behind Global Warming Hysteria'
- Sunday's Protest/Counterprotest (or... Calgary has moonbats too)
- Global Warming and You
- The continuing crisis
- Giving Students an Equal Perspective on Global Warming
- Canadian 'denier' threatened with death... and it's not reported in Canadian news
- Scientists receive death threats for questioning Man's Role in Global Warming
- There is no action to radical to defend Mother earth
- David Suzuki recommends rationing
- Documentary exposing Global Warming Myths Stir Media Controversy in England
- The Great Global Warming Swindle
- The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Mayors look for tax grab, cite global warming
- David Suzuki, Mr. Congeniality
- More Scientific Dissent on Climate Change
- Top Scientist Changes Mind on Climate Change
- Hannity Gives More than 70 reasons to Chill Global Warming Hype
- British Documentary: Global Warming 'Biggest Scam of Modern Times'
- Skeptical Documentary ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ Airs on British TV
- A Green Hypocrisy: Media Ignore Costs and Damage of Carbon Offsets
- Energetically Wasteful
- Green ghosts
- Mark Steyn: Nashville Paper Sat On Al Gore Electric-Bill Story
- Maurice Strong, back in the news
- Meet the Global Warming Skeptics
- Banning Dihydrogen Monoxide
- An Inconvenient Comparison
- The great polar bear fraud
- Public Radio Asks Why U.S. Should Adopt Failed E.U. Carbon Reduction Plans
- Suzuki Playing Gutter Politics
- More Inconvenient Truths
- Eco-warrior of the week
- Shilling for Enviro-Bucks
- David Suzuki Foundation can't face reality
- Sinister Developments
- Al Gore's 'Scientific' Media Study Isn't Scientific, And 'Dissent' Authors Oppose Dissent
- The nature of things
- Climate change: Inconvenient for you, but not for me (I'm rich)!
- Annie Warms the Planet another degree
- Eco-Phobia Goes Pediatric
- Al Gore: The unassuming capitalist
- Al Gore and David Suzuki benefit from your loss
- Great Moments in Climate Predictions
- While We're Onto the Topic of GW
Thank heavens for bloggers because you won't hear this on the MSM as a rule.