Friday, April 28, 2006

Canadian Scientists Promote Common Sense

Sixty scientists have written a letter and petition to Prime Minister Stephen Harper to re-examine Kyoto and climate change. They state that activists, alarmists, etc should be ignored and that true debate and "balanced, comprehensive public-consultation sessions be held so as to examine the scientific foundation of the federal government's climate-change plans." In an email from my father regarding this article, he states: "Now that scientists and rational people see that our federal government may actually act in the best interests of the people of Canada, Harper may be inundated with requests for action on many issues"

The petition can be found here: Open Kyoto To Debate

In regards to Kyoto, the letter states this:

While the confident pronouncements of scientifically unqualified environmental groups may provide for sensational headlines, they are no basis for mature policy formulation. The study of global climate change is, as you have said, an "emerging science," one that is perhaps the most complex ever tackled. It may be many years yet before we properly understand the Earth's climate system. Nevertheless, significant advances have been made since the protocol was created, many of which are taking us away from a concern about increasing greenhouse gases. If, back in the mid-1990s, we knew what we know today about climate, Kyoto would almost certainly not exist, because we would have concluded it was not necessary.

In regards to climate change, the letter states this:

"Climate change is real" is a meaningless phrase used repeatedly by activists to convince the public that a climate catastrophe is looming and humanity is the cause. Neither of these fears is justified. Global climate changes all the time due to natural causes and the human impact still remains impossible to distinguish from this natural "noise." The new Canadian government's commitment to reducing air, land and water pollution is commendable, but allocating funds to "stopping climate change" would be irrational. We need to continue intensive research into the real causes of climate change and help our most vulnerable citizens adapt to whatever nature throws at us next.

We believe the Canadian public and government decision-makers need and deserve to hear the whole story concerning this very complex issue. It was only 30 years ago that many of today's global-warming alarmists were telling us that the world was in the midst of a global-cooling catastrophe. But the science continued to evolve, and still does, even though so many choose to ignore it when it does not fit with predetermined political agendas.
Hear, Hear! Let's explore this rationally, constructively, and productively. Read the letter... common sense rules!

International Attacks on Websites and Blogs

I couldn't access Small Dead Animals this morning. I was wondering what was going on and was reading other blogs. On Michelle Malkin's site, I found the answer.

Blogs Down: Hack Attack

Apparently there are DoS (Denial of Service) attacks hitting blogs and websites that posted the Mohammed cartoons. The attacks today originated from Saudi Arabia. I wasn't aware but apparently this has been happening on and off for a few months.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

You Know You're a Moonbat if...

I enjoy reading Kate's blog at Small Dead Animals. There are often controversial and intelligent posts and discussions. I find it informative and also reassuring to find that there are many other people not swayed by the MSM of today and the propaganda over the last few years of what Canadian values are. I don't always agree with everything but excellent points are made and it gets me thinking. I don't visit blogs on the left as I hear enough of the left's opinions constantly in the media and from the opposition parties during parliament.

One discussion was regarding the issues with healthcare in Saskatchewan. A commenter who is an NDP supporter recently posted the following on SDA (partial post)

Tories are not great thinkers. Far from from it. They're Facist , racist,sexist homophobic WASP party always have been. Now they try the "Trust Me" card. We're really not dangerous. What does that tell me? They are used car salesmen/women. They cannot be trusted. The cess pool could use some bleach. You'll never convince me otherwise.
And the point is? This quote is another reason I won't visit leftist blogs. There is no discussion and the bias and viciousness is unbelievable. Am I missing something? What does WASP refer to? I am sure this commenter feels he/she is a "critical thinker". Brilliant arguments. You are now witness to the religion of the left.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Political Flag Issue

When I first heard the issue of the flag not being lowered for soldier's deaths, I too wondered why. It seemed that if we had lowered the flag for our fallen in the past, why did our new government decide not to if they respect our troops.

After reading up on this on military sites and blogs and watching parliament (no info on MSM on this), I discovered the following reasons:

  1. The tradition has never been to lower the flag at Parliament Hill for the fallen soldiers. The liberal government/Chretien decided to break tradition and do this during the "friendly fire" incident and was inconsistent about it. They did not lower the flag for every soldier.
  2. The government now is actually maintaining the tradition that has been in place for 80 years, not breaking tradition
  3. During times of war, the flag is supposed to fly high to show our solidarity as a country. In times of heavy casualties during previous wars, if the flag was lowered it would have been lowered all the time. This is not good for morale or for the country. It should fly high.
  4. On November 11th, the flag is lowered in memory of all our fallen soldiers. Remember that this November 11th and make an effort this year to honor them.
It is sad that the main stream media and the liberals are using these soldiers' deaths for political purposes. For shame. To read an email from a woman who has personally lost a Canadian hero, read From A Canadian Forces Widow.

As an aside, there is a movement going on to show our support for the military. Everyone should wear red on Fridays to show our support. I think this is a great idea. So, remember, wear red on Fridays.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Shortage of doctors? No one wants the job.

I just listened to Dave Rutherford about some of the issues we are facing in healthcare. There is a crisis as we are critically short of family practitioners and the trend is continuing. Amongst other issues, they are saying that we should try and get some sort of testing in place in order to quickly certify foreign doctors and ensure they are up to speed.

I had this conversation with a doctor yesterday. We were talking about how little doctors make now in comparison to plumbers, veterinarians, dentists, etc. I know that in Information Technology, with only two years of education, my income was at par with many family doctors. Nobody seems to get that most people would not find much incentive to spend 8 years in University and come out and make $29.00 per visit and have the overhead of nurses, clinic, utilities, etc and end up with no pension, health benefits, etc. The government has enslaved doctors. Why enter this field when you can do less schooling and come out far ahead financially without the debt incurred? Those people that do incur the expense become specialists because that is the only way they can truly get ahead. Read the following blog post on this:

What's Wrong with Healthcare?: Don't Let Them Escape!

So, it got me to thinking. In the United States, there is a call for immigrants to do the jobs that Americans won't do. Here in Canada, there is the same call, however the jobs Canadians won't do is family medicine. There is something wrong with the system and when there is a hue and cry about how family doctor's shouldn't be able to work in a private situation as well, this will continue. Do you know that in Germany, the doctors marched recently because the private system was the only way they could afford to maintain their practices in the public system? Then ask yourself why Cuba is the only other country in the entire world who doesn't allow a private system. The public system is conscripting our doctors so that our only hope is immigration. Some Canadian value! Shame on Canada.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"I might be anti-war, but I am much more anti-terrorist." - Michael Yon

This is one of the most unbiased, non-political reports on Iraq I have ever read. You can make your own judgement. As the reporter states:

True, I am anti-war, but I recognize that at this juncture in human history that refusing to fight in many parts of the world means that we agree to be beaten to death, or we agree to allow airliners to ram into our buildings. War is a pitiful human reality that we must face, and we are far from finished with facing this demon. We live in a rough world where strength is rewarded, weakness is penalized.
This is something we should all think about. Nobody likes war but is it necessary? There are some hard questions we must face as a society. If you want to know what is going on in Iraq, I would suggest you sit down with a cup of coffee and read this piece: Of Words
h/t Celestial Junk

Another human piece from an Iraqi: Kill us, but you won't enslave us
h/t Michelle Malkin

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Note to Parliamentary Press Gallery:

No one cares.

War is hell, say Parliament Hill Reporters

Nanny State - no thanks

Where exactly did the idea of national day care come from? Whose bright idea was this? We have huge problems with healthcare, the environment, the native situation, etc and now the government is going to branch into day care? Give me a break. Aside from the idiocy of the government getting involved in this, the government should fix the broken programs they are running before getting into something else.

If there was truly a need for more daycare spaces, then the free market would start creating more daycare spaces. I heard a liberal MP in parliament discuss how people would not need to set up spycams in order to ensure their children are not being abused if national day care was in place. Explain that logic? They couldn't even monitor their own when it came to Adscam. How on earth are they planning to monitor daycare workers in the system?

The government should stay out of this and concentrate on fixing what they are already responsible for.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Extreme Left are Programmed by the Illuminati

One of my favorite and oddest pastimes is listening to a radio program called Coast to Coast. They talk about a variety of strange subjects such as the paranormal, shapeshifters, UFOs, global warming, etc etc. Although purely entertaining, they do have some interesting subjects and were the first to announce the PortsWorld issue. They also have some interesting subjects like the experiment in my previous post. The program is definitely left leaning and often left extremist so it is even stranger that I find it entertaining. Many guests use their discussions to forward their anti-conservative perspectives.

The program I listened to the other night was called the Illuminati Agenda. I am not sure of the guest's political leanings as it wasn't obvious. Interestingly enough, he often used examples from CBC news articles in Canada so I tend to think he's left. He also is against free trade agreements so that solidifies it. Now, I don't believe in the Illuminati necessarily or that the Illuminati has any kind of power however it hit a few interesting points that got me thinking.

He believes the Illuminati has been programming society for many years to bring about a new world one-world order and government. Some of the statements he made during the interview on Coast to Coast included ( I am paraphrasing from memory):

  1. The illuminati is programming people in the guise of noble intent and organizations that promote what is good for the world to brainwash people.
  2. They are using the gay agenda to forward their cause and removing people's views of "normal" in society. In the end, gay people will be persecuted as any other once in power.
  3. Henry Kissinger and Maurice Strong (I found this particularly interesting) may be part of the Illuminati. (I'm not sure but I think he mentioned David Suzuki)
  4. They are pushing hatred of religion by pitting religion against religion. In this way, after the Islam vs other religions, people will tend to discount religion and promote scientific thinking instead.
  5. They hate women.
  6. They infiltrate news organizations and recruit journalists to promote their agenda.
  7. Once in power, they will decimate the population to half a million people to promote the earth's sustainability etc.
  8. They promote the idea of reducing population by disposable members of society. (IE: assisted suicide etc) to get people used to the idea.
  9. Europe is much farther along in the Illuminati agenda.
I could go on as it gets really strange when he talks about the Illuminati wanting to create a hermaphrodite type of creature that don't require different sexes in the world. The whole point of this post, though, is that I found it hilarious that the blame appears to be put on the right or the conservatives for promoting the agenda of the illuminati. In fact a caller called in with her vehement hatred of Cheney.

Now, if there was, in fact, an Illuminati organization with this agenda, it is obvious, in my opinion, that the left are promoting it and brainwashed hook, line, and sinker. The media, in general, is definitely left. The environmentalists are preaching the evils of human impact on the earth. Christianity is taking a bad wrap and religion is thought to be a "conservative" inclination. Europe seems to be far more socialist in general and more anti-American. The extreme left promotes assisted suicide and abortion. Maurice Strong in his bid to create programs like Oil-for-Food and Kyoto programs is definitely left as he was an adviser to Ex Pm Paul Martin, etc. The left are swallowing this propaganda up. If there was an Illuminati, people, the conservative population are the people fighting it. It is funny to me that the left thinks they are the open minded, enlightened people of our world.

Now this is funny. For the left who are in need of help, I have found the answer for you. According to the guest speaker, if you want to De-Program yourself, you can go his site - Cutting through the Matrix

Monday, April 10, 2006

Zap him!

There was an interesting experiment done many years ago. The experiment included a subject called the teacher, a learner, and a scientist. The teacher was put in front of a long row of electrical shock switches. The learner was put behind the wall and could be heard, not seen. If the learner answered a question wrong, the teacher was instructed to give the learner the next electrical shock. Now, keep in mind that the electrical shock was not actually given and the learner was an actor however the teacher (subject) did not know this.

Throughout the process, the learner (actor) would beg for it to stop. The scientist would merely tell the teacher (subject) to continue. Astoundingly, 62.5% of the subjects/teachers continued to the final largest shock despite the pleas of the learner to stop and at some point, despite the silence.

Now keep in mind, there wasn't punishment for stopping the process. The scientist would merely instruct the "teacher" to continue. Basically, this was an experiment to see how far people will go when instructed by someone of imagined authority or knowledge. Whose judgement would triumph?

This experiment explains alot about human nature and is truly frightening.. Although the subjects could hear that someone was in pain and was pleading for release, the scientist's judgement would trump the subject. I am still thinking through my feelings about the results of this experiment. I think about the influence of media, marketers, our educational institutes, governments, etc. It also explains some of the reasons in my last post on why the public doesn't question our healthcare system even though there are many people suffering out there.

I can only take hope in the 30 some % who discontinued the experiment and used their own judgement. Although the researcher was discussing obedience, I believe it also includes the influence of someone who appears knowledgeable or takes responsibility off of the subject.

For more on this experiment, you can read an essay by the researcher Stanley Milgram.
To read more about Stanley Milgram, click here.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Media Harper Friendly - has hell frozen over?

I watched with shock and awe as CTV's Question Period pundits praised Harper's performance in parliament this week. I have to give credit where it's due... no comments about his fashion style nor his waistline... purely praise about his performance as Prime Minister in parliament. Wow!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Friends of Medicare are NO friends of mine

The NDP, the media, special interest groups etc are killing our healthcare. As A Wilke pointed out in some of his posts, friends of the system are not friends of the patient. In the past, any talk of examining the system and making any changes has been political suicide. Our healthcare system is not only unsustainable but also responsible for many unnecessary deaths and suffering, in my opinion. "Cost Effectiveness" is the mantra of the "system" and morality be damned. People are not getting the tests they require, doctors get their hands slapped for ordering too many tests, people are being counselled on choices that are cost effective, not quality of life effective etc all in the name of sustaining our "system". By making the healthcare system a Canadian value and a religion, questioning it becomes "traitorous", un-Canadian, unfeeling, and pro-American. Is it any wonder I get so upset with the media?

We have been slowly brainwashed by the government, media, system advocators, etc that our system is the "only" way . It has become a political maelstrom to suggest that it is not working and why it is not working. Instead of questioning the system, the propagandists (is that a word?) throw out the immorality of private systems as a reason not to fix it. In my mind, the immorality of the existing system far outweighs any alternatives. In the worst case scenario, I would rather know that I would have to pay and cannot afford a treatment that not be told that there is an option or worse yet, not be tested for something because there is no treatment so it is cost effective not to bother testing for it. Ask yourself why Cuba and Canada are the only countries left with a totally public system. Do you think Fidel is compassionate?

It is broken, people and not correctable in its current state. Unfortunately, you will not get the truth on this and people will continue to die. For a glimpse into the misinformation and what is happening in healthcare, visit What's Wrong with Healthcare. I think he pulls some punches sometimes but it will give you insight into the truth.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Write our Troops

Considering the sacrifices of Private Costall, his family, and the rest of our troops, take a moment to post or write to show our support.

Canada and the United States...

... have much in common... primarily the main stream media bias.

Read Ann Coulter's latest column: N.Y Times, Broken Clock: Both Occasionally Correct

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Global Warming Cause Discovered

I have figured out what the cause of Global Warming is. Yes, that's right... I know what has happened.

In 1975, the earth had been on a cooling trend for decades. Scientists declared massive evidence supporting Global Cooling as shown in this Newsweek Article in 1975. As global cooling was obviously a fact, everyone must have jumped in with solutions to stop this. I remember doing my part and stopped purchasing aerosol cans of hairspray. Although, they weren't certain what exactly was causing it, we had to do something.

Now look what they've done! They've caused Global Warming. Sheesh... you can stop now. We're warm enough! But don't start us cooling again! I enjoyed this winter.

I see I'm not the only one with some hesitation to embrace this fact:

  1. Global Warming or global cooling: Which is it?
  2. Global Hot Air
  3. Hot and Cold Running Alarmism
  4. Exposing the villains of environmental hysterics
  5. Junk Science
  6. Let Cooler Heads Prevail
  7. Review of "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton (***looks like I'll have to read that book**)
  8. There's no Global Warming, because there's no Global Climate
  9. Too few global skeptics