Saturday, January 14, 2006

Adscam - tip of the iceberg

As mentioned in previous posts, I believe the liberals are scared. Not scared of Harper's "hidden agenda" but of his real agenda - cleaning up government. I believe Adscam, Options Canada, Reloscam, etc are the tip of the iceberg. Years of entitlement have encouraged years of questionable transactions. Here are some more questionable items to ponder:

  1. Dust My Broom blog discusses liberal money laundering. The blog links to the article Feds' million-dollar baby by Licia Corbella
  2. Alberta Avenue blog talks about using federal funds to control fallout from the Gomery Report. More Liberal Theft
It also appears that more people are questioning the Maurice Strong connections with Paul Martin, Oil-for-Food, Kyoto, etc. I raised this in a previous post Kyoto = Oil-for-food = Money for Dictators & UN advisors. See the following links:



michie said...

I still know people who INSIST on voting Liberal. I seriously cannot even fathom it. If you are scared to vote for Harper, whatever the reason, at least know that the Conservatives will have to be on their best behaviour for the next 4 years. If they screw up, they are sure to get booted out again and they will never ever get in power again! (Because it seems that only the Liberal party can screw up over and over and have no accountability for it.) Although I'm sure the other parties will do what they can to make that happen... which is why I don't want a minority government. Yikes. I don't know Lanny, I'm still really scared.

Lanny said...

Me too Mich. It's really beyond my comprehension