Saturday, February 25, 2006

Anti-Americanism is Intolerant

I cannot believe the number of Canadians that are anti-american. I am completely flabbergasted by this. Those Canadians that all shout about how you can't be anti-Muslim because not all Muslims are the same, shake their fists at Americans. I have heard people say during that embarrassing time with junior hockey that worse than Canada losing would be the US winning. Unbelievable. It is as politically correct in Canada to hate america as it is to bully smokers.

Some say it is the actions of their government now and in the past. Some point at the Iraq war to justify their significant and unjustified hatred. (I will blog about that sometime as well so you can hate me too). Let me remind you Canadians that America is made up of lefties and righties just as Canada is. I have a beef with the lefties in Canada as much as the lefties in the US. To lump all Americans together is the same as lumping all Canadians together and for that matter all Christians and all Muslims. If you listen to the lefties, they will lump all Christians into fanatics and all Muslims into misunderstood underdogs. I suggest that lefties are the intolerant of the world. Anti-Americanism is as intolerant as it gets.

As different as Canadians and Americans might be, we are also similar. We are all part of western civiization , share a continent, share the belief in freedom, democracy, human rights, etc etc etc. I can guarantee, even with all our gutless ranting about the US, they would come to bat for us ... and in this world, we should be thankful. As we don't have a military, we will need them.

I could go on and on however, let me ask you these questions:

If you have such a hatred for all things american, how do you expect peace to prevail? If we can't tolerate our neighbors differences, how on earth are we going to tolerate great differences?

There are real enemies out there who won't tolerate us and our infantile finger pointing. Heck, they burn and murder over cartoons. Pick your battles.


Rosie said...

I admit I used to be pretty anti-american, but ignorant. Actually, you hear people talking about how ignorant Americans are but I was the same as them. Its easy to fall into that anti-Americanism when your only exposure to them is listening to Bill O'reilly yelling at people and constantly saying ignorant retarded things. I've since learned that not ALL Americans are like that. I've since met some Americans and even been there once or twice! I don't know why, but I was expecting a weird foreign race of gun-totin' Bill O'Reilly's when I was there, but they were pretty much the same as us, with a few more accents.

There are many things about American culture I disagree with, and I feel that their aggressive foreign policy has contributed to some of their problems. I guess resentment I have towards Americans stems from the infringement and political "bullying" that has been going on (lumber, marijuana, Iraq). Since Canada is a relatively new country we are still developing our own solidarity and identity. My wish is to have an independent culture and economy. Not because I hate America, but that I think Canada is a great place and could be even better (corny koolaid leftist moment......thank-you).

Anti-Americanism is akin to racism, or prejudice against different religions. We can respect other cultures we can disagree with other cultures, but you are right, hate is hate.

btw, thanks for the post about weirdo guy. His posts were getting a bit strange.

Al said...

A recent study was done comparing about fifteen countries. Various questions were asked of a cross section of citizens of these countries to get feedback on a wide range of issues. The results are what you would expect---Canadians and Americans are more alike than any other countries. As you have stated, the anti-Americanism expressed is simply evidence of deep seated intolerance, nothing more.
I'm not sure what the study showed regarding helping people around the world but whenever there is a disaster, the Americans seem to be the first on the scene to help. Apparenly they also give more to charities as a proportion of their income.

michie said...

Yeah, and all Canadians are like Bob and Doug MacKenzie, Tom Green, FUBAR and The Trailer Park Boys!!!


Rosie said...

I make an excellent Trailer park casserole.

Anonymous said...

I think the anti-Americanism is more to relate with disagreement than hatred. Most people have a hard time expression their feelings and disagreements. An easy way out is to insult or speak rudely of. Instead of just discouraging this kind of behavior, perhaps we should be redirecting it? Criticism is one of the most powerful tools we as a free society have, so when someone says "I hate Americans", perhaps instead of saying "That is ignorant", we should be asking "Why?". Then we can inform them "Not all Americans are alike".

If you listen to the lefties, they will lump all Christians into fanatics and all Muslims into misunderstood underdogs. I suggest that lefties are the intolerant of the world. Anti-Americanism is as intolerant as it gets.”

I was disappointed when I read the above lines. How can one be upset that some Canadians are lumping all Americans into one pot when the next statement is lumping lefties into one pot? I am a lefty and I do not lump all Christians into fanatics and all Muslims into misunderstood underdogs. I do not hate Americans and I am not an intolerant of the world.

In regards to bulling smokers: I ask people to use transit, I ask people to eat well, I ask people to exercise and I ask people to try to stop smoking. You may ask “who gave you the right to ask people to stop smoking?” Than I ask “who gave you the right to ask people to vote for Stephen Harper? “ The reason: it affects us! We all know smokers have a higher rate of cancer than non smokers (among other things). What does this mean to me? My taxes go towards paying the healthcare bills of people who chose to smoke. Can you imagine how much money would be saved in healthcare if everybody ate well, exercised and didn't smoke? So I do believe I have the right to ask smokers to stop smoking, as you have the right to ask me to vote for Stephen Harper.

Thank you,

PS. Please keep posting, I enjoy your thoughts.

Lanny said...

Okay, okay... good point. I did lump the lefties but I do believe the general left is extreme.

You do have a right to ask anything you want but asking is not the point anymore. Denigration is. It is okay for you now to curb my speech in the matter of hate laws for political correctness and write laws to stop people from smoking in public areas including outside. It is even beginning to be acceptable to fire people who smoke in their personal life. Where does it stop? It it were only "asking", I would not have a problem. Ask away.

As far as anyone's lifestyle being a cost to you, think again. Again, where does this stop? Perhaps we should ban skiing, skydiving, driving, bungie jumping, etc etc. Mind your own life and get out of mine.

As far as smoking, I would almost guarantee that smokers more than pay for themselves. The government is coming out ahead with the taxes smokers pay and the early deaths which avoid additional years of healthcare. It is actually cost effective for the government as is the gambling problem. Celebrate the people who have addictions and problems in your society, they are saving you money. You will benefit from your healthy lifestyle and our unhealthy lifestyles.

Anonymous said...

I'm a proud Canadian but wasn't born in Canada. I came around 10 years of age and really don't have that anti-American feeling instilled in me. It seems to me, from my observation, that most Canadians born in Canada learned early on (probably from their upbringing and maybe from the overall environment in general) to be anti-american. It's almost as if it's a given.

Americans may be arrogant--yes--they make mistakes --yes. But let's not forget that in World War I and II, they helped fight to restore order in a world gone mad by helping the allies win the victories. Before America was involved in both world wars, the allies were losing up till that point. It was a turning point when they got involved. Let's not also forget, they took up the mantle in the Cold War. It eventually defeated the Iron Curtain. America was there in crucial moments in history. America took up the challenge because the world called on them to do so. They are still continueing to do so. They are the only country in the world that have the leadership courage and may I say "balls" to do so. Who else is going to take that responibility? The UN, Germany, Japan, Canada (maybe), certainly not France (although they'd like to think so) (They're just cheese loving, white flag waving surrender type country).

Like it or not the United States protects the freedom and security of the world. Although some would argue otherwise.

There are smart and stupid people in the states. It's the same in both countries. We can criticize americans and disagree with them on a lot of issues ranging from culture to politics but this ignorant anti-American hate is simply not good. I'm sure there's even anti-Canadianism in the US. It's simply not good. All hate is terrible. It's this ignorance that perpetuates hate.

May I remind Canadians, without the United States, there is no Western Civilisation.

Lanny said...

Absolutely anonymous. I totally agree with you!