Thursday, June 22, 2006

Firm Hand Needed with Bullies

I was just reading Dr. James Dobson's article titled "Firm hand needed with violent teens" in the Calgary Sun. Quoting from his answer to a parent wondering when to get tough with a teenager:

"But there comes a time to draw a line in the dirt and say enough is enough! For youngsters who have tyrannized their families, their parents' willingness to forgive and forget repeatedly is interpreted as weakness. Appeasement, as we know, is never successful in pacifying a bully. It only makes him or her more angry and disrespectful. Behavioural research has now validated that statement.
Dr Henry Harbin and Dr. Denis Madden, working at the University of Maryland's Medical School, found "parent battering" usually occurs when "one or both parents have abdicated the executive position" and left no one in charge - no one, that is except the violent child. Rebellious, mean-spirited teenagers respect strength and disdain weakness. Harbin and Madden also observed "an almost universal element" in the parent-battering cases was the parents' unwillingness to admit the seriousness of the situation" Dr. James Dobson, Focus on Family, Calgary Sun, June 18th edition
As I was reading, I kept thinking Saddam, Caledonia, our homegrown terrorists, etc. The far left want to find the root cause for abusive behaviour of criminals and bullies but they are missing the point - the root cause is THEM.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hollywood Causes Cancer - but don't diagnose it in Canada!

I just finished reading Tom Green's book: Hollywood Causes Cancer. Yeah, I know - I'm an ecclectic reader - Tom Green's book and the Sifaoui book on Al Qaeda. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

An excerpt from Tom's book hit the nail right on the head about our healthcare system:

"First of all, there was the problem of the Canadian health-care system. Ostensibly a universal plan that covers everyone and any medical contingency, in reality it is full of holes. A lot of Canadian doctors move to the United States to earn more, and the hospitals are often backed up, understaffed, and overstressed. In my dad's case, once his cancer had been diagnosed, his first surgicl appointment was set three and a half months in the future. When I had testicular cancer, my first operation to get my testicle removed was two days later. To me, that was a frightening difference." - Tom Green, Hollywood Causes Cancer
Tom gets it. He flew his dad to the states. His dad was treated in 3 weeks. For all of you that worship the Canadian healthcare system as a Canadian value, it is no wonder you have an inferiority complex!

Do not think this is an exception. A friend of mine has an ovarian tumour that was discovered in early May and her appointment is in October. How comfortable would you be waiting 5 months to find out whether it is malignant? And, if it is, the 5 months would be a death sentence. It is time to stop the fearmongering and reform the system - Canadians are dying for it.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Treasonous Opposition

My father and I were discussing my previous post on the way to the football game on the weekend. We were discussing how the opposition parties are saying anything and taking any position to gain a foothold in public opinion. These positions are not put forward to "save the country" or make a "better Canada". These positions from the left are used entirely for political posturing and votes. To take political positions for political power rather than the good of the country is, in my father's words, treason.

It is for these reasons that the Liberal party and New Democratic Party have scared me so much in the last decade. Their politics are not simply "misguided" in my mind (as I often think of the left), they are intentional ruses to gain votes. How is this not treason when it is not for the good of our country? I was once asked by a liberal friend if I would prefer the country's fate or direction to be in the hands of some backwoods fisherman in Newfoundland as a voter or by a university educated politician in Toronto? I told him that I will take the backwoods voter, as scary as that might be, over the Toronto politician because he doesn't have the power agenda.

In my discussion with my father, we also agreed that the main stream media also contributes to the treasonous left and harming the country. Any talk of healthcare reform etc is bashed by the media as "American" style immediately and makes any discussion of improvements in our system political suicide. Again, politics over the good of the country for headlines and agendas.

I ran across this article on NealeNews today and it shows the US is facing the same issues. The left is so focussed on opposition and political power, they will say anything to try and make the "sound bite" with total disregard for the good of the country. Think about this when reading this article Leaving the Left. Also think about how the left and the media aids the terrorist agenda, as mentioned in previous posts, to try and make political points rather than standing behind their country.

Friday, June 16, 2006

What Canadians do they talk to?

So, I tuned in to the House of Commons today and right into a discussion on a bill put forward by the Liberals (I think... it was one of the left wing parties) on Kyoto.

According to them, Canadians support the Kyoto protocol. They have submitted a bill that demands that Canada commit to Kyoto and report regularly on progress. I have to say, aside from the FAR left, anyone I talk to knows the Kyoto Protocol is not the way to go. It is merely a charity issue, not an environmental issue. Even those who support the global warming theory and believe the end is nigh, realize that Kyoto will not work and will have no effect on it. The NDP, the Bloc, and the Liberals are hanging their hats on Kyoto as an issue to challenge the Conservative government. It has been very difficult for the opposition parties because they could not fight the common sense the government has been practising. It is also difficult for them to point fingers at the government when so much has been accomplished in the first 6 months under Harper after years of inaction by the liberals.

So, the flopposition parties are hoping that this issue can be their big challenge. It is their political stand at the expense of Canada and millions of dollars - same old, same old.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

There is an interesting development coming to the web this week. The Canadian Tom Green is hosting a live call in show worldwide over the internet this week. Recently, Bill Maher has set up a taped program that can be seen over the internet. However, Tom Green is going live right from his living room with a 1-800 number on June 15th at 8 PM Los Angeles time.

I have to say that I was not a fan of Tom Green before. He was far too gross and sometimes too slapstick. After perusing his site, however, I have laughed wholeheartedly at some of his humour and been surprised by his serious side. He did go to Iraq on a USO tour and talks candidly about his testicular cancer in his twenties - advising young men to do a check regularly. On the other hand, I will never be a fan of Bill Maher - typical Hollywood "enlightenment" propaganda.

Tom's show is broadcast in cooperation with ManiaTV which boasts various "channels" and videos by amateurs and professionals. Tom states that this new technology allows him creative freedom as there is no network control. This starts a very interesting problem for the CRTC, CBC, etc. As the internet opens up and technology and bandwidth become less expensive, content cannot be controlled. As newspapers are slowly being pushed out by blogs and online news, we may see the same sort of thing with television. It is a global marketplace out there and control over media is not going to work - thank heavens.

It is an interesting development. I will be tuning in to to see if he is, indeed, funny and watching Canadian content because I want to, not because I'm forced to. The other thought I just had is: if CBC is the only way for Canadians to get Canadian culture, how are they going to force people to watch their channel? If nobody watches it, what is the point. I'll find my culture on my own, thank you very much.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Reality Check

Kate at SDA mentioned this article in a comment. It is an essay on what the world is facing and the reality check needed by many. It made some points I hadn't even thought of but brings a realistic face to what our soldiers are facing in this war. It is a long essay but definitely something people should take the time to read.

Further in the essay, he talks about the attitudes of Hollywood and the far left and how out of touch with reality they are. As you can see from my blog description, I fully agree. He has some interesting viewpoints on society as well. Read through and decide for yourself.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

War on Terrorism must continue

After reading the book by Mohamed Sifaoui in the previous post, it made a few things very clear.

First of all, the Islamists ( a word he uses for extremist Muslims) will not stop. It is their goal to take over the world and rid the infidels... period.

Secondly, they know how to use the system. They engage in "double-speak". They know the politically correct thing to say to infidels and they will say it hiding their true intentions and beliefs. They know the value of propaganda and will use it. They will deny wrongdoing loudly and often as they are at war. They will use other Muslims and "useful idiots" to further their cause without qualms. They will use the media to further their agenda from portraying themselves as victims who do good to victims who are being persecuted for no reason. They actually have a word for it called "Takiya".

Thirdly, there is a very wide network. The Chechen, Saudi, Afghanistan, Canadian, France, Britain Islamists, for example, are in contact with each other and are not merely isolated cells of Muslim youths. They are constantly recruiting and in contact with each other. They have no allegiance to any specific country but will use various countries to further their war.

Fourthly, when reading about the court hearings and public reaction etc to the Canadian arrests, it became very clear that the same sort of issues were happening in other arrests throughout history. The author talks about court hearings and public opinion in previous arrests in Algeria and France going back for a decade. Often, elements of the public believed these arrests were the governments attempt to instill fear rather than understand this war. The terrorists propaganda has been working for years and continues to work. The public misconceptions and delusions have been consistent regardless of the country where terrorists were apprehended - Algeria, France, or Canada. This surprised me the most and scared me as well. It was truly fascinating how elements of the public consistently through history will further the terrorists agenda and deny the danger.

It is time to wake up to the dangers of terrorism. It is even deadlier because life has no meaning to them. The Muslims and the left, in general, must denounce these acts and realize there is a war going on. They must realize they are being used in this war. The Islamists know that public opinion will help their cause... why doesn't the public realize this. Muslims and the left must denounce them and realize they are being used as well.

The following post in the Toronto Star states a similar point.

Update: I would like to ask a few questions to the moderate Muslims out there. With the Islamist's use of Takiya, how are we to know when we are hearing double-speak or Takiya versus the truth. Also, are you not angry that they use you to fight their wars? They imply and promote that it is racist etc and that they are merely Muslims being persecuted. Is this not tarnishing your faith?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Inside Al Qaeda: How I infiltrated the World's Deadliest Terrorist Organization

I bought this book for my dad for Father's Day. However, I started reading the foreword, then right into the introduction. I guess I will have to buy him another gift as I really want to read it. An interesting excerpt from the Introduction:

"I had an interest dating back as far as 1995, when the attacks took place, and it was all the keener on account of a certain element in France which stubbornly tries to excuse Islamist terrorists and argues without any evidence that their terrible acts are the work of the Algerian secret service."
Sound familiar? I guess every country has their "useful idiots" throughout history. I will keep you posted on my thoughts on this book but you can also purchase it here. Dad, sorry about that. I'll lend you the book when I'm done! LOL

Friday, June 09, 2006

Did you know....

According to a recent article in the Western Standard, the combined population of British Columbia and Alberta is 7.5 million which is equal to Quebec's. Quebec has 75 seats in the House of Commons and Alberta and BC combined have 49. Quebec has 24 senate seats and Alberta and BC combined have 12.

There is something wrong with this picture! Hopefully, part of Prime Minister Harper's "scary hidden" agenda is looking at this democratic imbalance eventually. I am proud of our new government's moves to govern by common sense and fairness.... hopefully it continues and addresses this.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Commercialism and Religion

I attended a great production at Stage West the other night with my parents. The name of the production? According to my mother - "Jesus Christ Superstore"

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Terrorism. In Canada.

We're not making this up.
Also of interest, Nevermind foreign terrorists, why is Canada growing its own Extremists?

I recall a certain ad during the election that warned Canadians of soldiers in our street.. with guns ... as a scare tactic against the Conservatives. The PM who supposedly authorized this ad also attended a fund raiser as a minister with the Tamil Tigers. Human Rights Watch sent a letter to Martin as prime minister.

Aren't we thankful we now have a PM with the right priorities!!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

US-Style Two Tier Daycare System

This comment from Gimbol on this SDA post cracked me up. It is a little scary considering how spot on it is.

I'd just like to provide a possible future if the liberal style child care advocates have there way:I see a future where:
  • Conservatives will be vilified for trying to implement a US-style two tier daycare system.
  • Accusations will abound about horror stories of parents being refused daycare because of inability to pay.
  • The talking point "in Canada we use the daycare card, not a credit card" will be default by the lib-left kook fringe
  • CUPE will force a nationwide shutdown of the "liberal national daycare system*" when a dispute over being assigned the late shift by maintenance workers occurs.
  • The SCOC rules that its a violation of security of person to deny private daycare, still anyone that advocates for private daycare will be labeled anti-Canadian.

Just a preview of coming attractions if a LNDS* ever gets created.

Posted by: gimbol at May 31, 2006 11:16 AM

Interesting Public Broadcasting information

Wikipedia has some interesting points on Public Broadcasting including various countries involved and various types of public broadcasting. Ensure you read the discussion section as well and decide for yourself.

For more interesting reading, I have found one of my new favorite sites -


I don't care who you are, THAT's funny

My sis and I were laughing over this little gem. Gas is a universal comedy act.