Friday, June 09, 2006

Did you know....

According to a recent article in the Western Standard, the combined population of British Columbia and Alberta is 7.5 million which is equal to Quebec's. Quebec has 75 seats in the House of Commons and Alberta and BC combined have 49. Quebec has 24 senate seats and Alberta and BC combined have 12.

There is something wrong with this picture! Hopefully, part of Prime Minister Harper's "scary hidden" agenda is looking at this democratic imbalance eventually. I am proud of our new government's moves to govern by common sense and fairness.... hopefully it continues and addresses this.


Anonymous said...

¿Eres una terrorista?, Porque no te has casado, nunca digas que eres una solterona, en cualquier momento llegara el dia de la boda con un hombre que te ame. Puedo hablar ingles pero mejor seria que aprendas spanish

Lanny said...

LOL... I am a terrorist because I am not married? Hmmmm.... perhaps you should work on your profiling skills.

michie said...
