Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Socialized Medicine

Many Canadians continue to believe we have the best healthcare system in the world. The only other countries that share our universal socialized government funded only healthcare system is Cuba and North Korea. Unbelievably, many Canadians also tout Cuba's healthcare system because they believe the propaganda.

This link gives you an all too clear picture of where socialized medicine can go if left completely to the responsibility of the government. As you look at these pictures of hospitals in Cuba, remember the words "cost effective" and consider the implications when these words replace good medical care.

For extensive reading about the issues with Canada's healthcare system, read What's Wrong with Healthcare? Consider the road we are travelling when the NDP, friends of Medicare, the media etc promote socialist style medicine and systems only and the NDP praises Cuba. Reality check anyone?

Thursday, August 17, 2006


First I link to a left wing/liberal post and now, Hollywood stars are taking a principled stand????? What is happening, people? Has hell frozen over? Is the world ending? Next thing you know, the CBC will call Al Qaeda terrorists. I'd better set up a counselling appointment....

Kidman condemns Hamas, Hezbollah


Words of Wisdom from, ummmm, gulp,.... the Left.

Cerberus: Alexandre Trudeau on Fidel "Superman" Castro

Okay, so the one bias I have is being sorely tested here. I can't believe I am linking to a blog post by someone on the left!!! Yes, okay, I have to admit... there are some lefties with sense out there. I said it. I probably won't say it again and I'll deny it in the future. Here is a left-winger with some common sense. (Note: I have not read his other posts to verify whether this is an aberration)

Cerberus argues with the extreme left and stays true to his left of center ideologies. I have often been beyond frustrated by the left's anti-americanism, pro-terrorist/dictator stance. If dictators/societies murder gays, free speech practitioners, and religious factions, you would think the left would stand against them. From what I have seen, if those same dictators/societies are against the US, the left glorifies them. Cerberus is the one "leftie" I have read that honors his ideology by being consistent in this villification. Egads, he even questions those people who were fine with going into Afghanistan when the liberals were in power but have changed their stance with the conservatives in power. A leftie who stays consistent with their ideology? Whoda thunkit? As far as the Trudeaus go, PET had a socialist/communist ideology and obviously, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Aside: I am not an activist by any stretch but there are two things I stand behind. I don't eat veal because, as a child, I saw a program about young calves standing in wooden boxes to keep veal tender. Poor things. I also, although having plenty of opportunity, have not vacationed in Cuba. I don't judge others that do but I could not bring myself to spend money that may support that regime.

h/t SDA: Sometimes We Agree

Monday, August 14, 2006

Some Americans are Anti-Canadian too!

Caught a re-run of the Daily Show a while back and ended up laughing so hard! This is truly a classic. To you anti-american Canadians, this is what you look like and, just like you, he likes to dance and find mushrooms in the forest. Just goes to show that every country has it's anti-crowd.

Since some people have problems seeing embedded video, click here to link to the video on You Tube. I guarantee, it's worth it!

Only 1 out of 5 Canadians are Nuts

It is with great relief that a new poll shows only 1 out of 5 Canadians (or 18%) are nuts. 4 out of 5 Canadians agree with Prime Minister Harper's stance on the Israeli/Hezbollah conflict. This poll must have been taken outside the prison walls. I believe some of those 18% have been misled by the media and have been too busy to truly investigate and understand what has happened.

Further on in the poll, there seemed to be misunderstandings about who started the war. Again, I blame this on the mainstream media. Hezbollah, a terrorist organization, was bombing Israel and crossed the Israeli borders and killed Israeli soldiers. Israel is merely defending itself.

82% agree with Prime Minister Stephen Harper's stand and I am extremely relieved that my fellow countrymen are not Nuts. That is, if I can believe the polls anymore.

Suffice it to say, I am extremely proud of our prime minister! It is so heartening to have a voice of reason in our government for a change!

Majority back Harper's support of Israel, poll shows

If this poll is correct, it also makes me happy that Canadians aren't falling for the media bs!!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Right and Left

I was talking to my sister and she asked what the whole right/left thing on blogs is all about. I will attempt to discuss my view of these ideologies in a childrearing analogy (keeping in mind I am not a parent so have no expertise -LOL).

Lets discuss two parenting styles or ideologies. Let me preface this by saying that both parents love their children very much. Let me also say that there are extremes of each kind but we each know the mainstream general common version of each kind. Keep in mind that I am not saying adults are children however there are basic ideologies backing the child-raising strategies of each set. I believe one, although just as loving, is far more harmful to society.

One set of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Right, are consistent. They have set boundaries, set consequences for crossing them, and are firm with their children. They regularly say no to their children and chores are expected. There are curfews, bed times, and lying of any kind is not tolerated. The children in this family do not consider their parents as friends. At some point in their rearing, the children have claimed to "hate" their parents. There are clear lines between right and wrong and the children know it. The question "why" sometimes does not matter as the behaviour is inherently wrong. If one of their children fails a grade, they should fail and redo that grade to learn that there are consequences and to learn the material to prepare them for the future.

The other set of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Left, are somewhat inconsistent. There are no boundaries or set consequences. They do not say no to their children. There are no curfews and no chores. The children have no responsibility to the household because they have the right to be children. The question "why" always matters and the parent is not aware of lying behaviour. There is no need to do anything in order to receive their allowance. In fact, they are given money when they want it. If the children are going to misbehave (ie: drink or smoke) then they would prefer it be done in their house as it is safer. There are no curfews and no set bedtimes. The parents want to be their children's friend. If the child fails a grade, the child should be moved to the next grade so that the child does not feel different or badly.

Now, this is a somewhat simplistic analogy but it is my view of the difference between right and left. As I said, both parents love their children very much. Both parents are raising their children in a way they believe to be right. Mr. and Mrs. Right believe that children should learn responsibility, right and wrong, and consequences even though feelings may be hurt. Mr. and Mrs. Left believe that children should be children and that responsibility will come later.

I feel that Mr. and Mrs. Left are actually doing the children and society a disservice. The children grow up to feel entitled regardless of behaviour. They do not understand responsibility and boundaries. They are "special", entitled, and spoiled. They do not understand consequences and have a rough time acclimating to society. Mr. and Mrs. Right's children, however, do not feel entitled regardless of behaviour. It may appear that Mr. and Mrs. Right do not love their children sometimes however it is because they love them that they raise them this way. They understand that hard work is rewarded, laws must be followed as there are consequences, there is right and wrong, there is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and that they have responsibility for themselves and their loved ones.

It is true that there are Mr. and Mrs. Rights who are too authoritarian and Mr. and Mrs. Lefts that are way too lax. However, there is a basic mindset of each childrearing ideology. Personally, I would rather share society with Mr. and Mrs. Right's children than Mr. and Mrs. Left's children.

Update: LOL... I guess to be inclusive I should state that it could be Mr. and Mr. Right and Mrs. and Mrs. Left however this is a sidetrack and not particularly relevant to the point I am trying to make. Unless, of course, you want to include Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. Left but I digress

Friday, August 04, 2006

4 out of 5 Canadians are Nuts

I heard on the radio the other day that 4 out of 5 Canadians felt that Canada should remain neutral in our position between Israel and Hezbollah and not take a stand like Harper, our prime minister. Now, I admit, I only caught pieces of it as I was racing around doing errands however I could not believe my ears. I would definitely like to know what exact questions were asked and who was polled. Did they only poll prisoners?

The discussions I hear, media reports I read, and our government opposition parties seem to think there is debate over who is wrong in the Israel/Hezbollah conflict. The argument seems to be that if Canada is not neutral, they cannot be peace keepers and cannot be in a bargaining/negotiating position for peace. Recently, the police "negotiated" with a pedophile to get him to release a kidnapped child. Should society and our prime minister say that pedophilia is not wrong so that negotiations can be made? Are you kidding? Do you think that there was really negotiation going on? Do you think that the guns police were holding and their threat was not conducive to these "negotiations"?

Here is my take on the situation (bear in mind that I quit smoking a couple of weeks ago so I have no restraint on my rant):

Has the world gone CRAZY? What the heck are they THINKING? 4 out of 5 Canadians must be idiots. Our government opposition parties are completely WACKO!

Okay, so now I will attempt to clarify my position calmly however if you are reading this with an alternate position, don't bother - you are one of the 4 idiots.

I try to be a reasonable person. I don't like people that are too judgemental. I believe that there are two sides and many grey areas. However, there is right and wrong that cannot be argued. Rape is wrong. Serial Killers are wrong. Pedophilia is wrong. Need I go on? There may be all sorts of warped reasons that people do wrong things but there is not doubt that it is WRONG and cannot be tolerated in society. These examples of WRONG are evil because they abuse the innocent. They take away basic rights of security and survival from other people. In my unfocussed, cranky nonsmoking internal fight against addiction, I can clearly see this.

Terrorism is wrong. Hezbollah is not a country; it is a terrorist organization. Hezbollah targets innocent civilians and uses them as human shields. Hezbollah has stated that it is not looking for negotiations or settlements. They are looking for the removal and destruction of a country. They are attacking this country with that in mind and we villainize Israel for protecting itself. Should we villainize the police for protecting society from the pedophile? Actually, a better analogy would be if the police had not gotten involved at all to recover the children of the pedophile and just let the family negotiate on their own. What if the police actually villainized the family for taking up guns, etc? What kind of negotiation would there have been with the pedophile if society was saying that the family was wrong for protecting itself in this situation? Unbelievable. The world has gone crazy.

Thankfully, there are at least 1 out of 5 Canadians who agree with me and others out there. Read Victor Davis Hanson on The Brink of Madness.