Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Liberal's Short Memories

... and they're counting on Canadians having short memories. Unfortunately, too many do.

There's a hew and cry by the liberals and the MSM about the Conservative government appointing partisan judges.
On the liberal website:
Stacking the courts threatens Judicial Independence

You've got to be kidding! Perhaps if you were ethical in any way, you would have changed this when you were in power and wouldn't have lambasted Harper for suggesting otherwise. Idiots.

If memory serves me right and I checked my blog, there was a hew and cry by the liberals and the MSM during the election when Harper had the audacity to suggest that the judges appointed by the previous liberal government were partisan. They suggested that judges were beyond reproach and to suggest otherwise was, well, un-Canadian. My previous blog:

Liberal Dictatorship

Our opposition parties care more about soundbites than actual government and the good of Canada. Harper tried to change this but was blocked and challenged on judge appointment changes all the way by YOU. Which is it? Are judges beyond reproach or are they partisan? Oh, I see, only your appointments were non-partisan? Give me a break.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Something Smells Rotten and it's NOT CO2

I just watched the Enron documentary this weekend called Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. It was quite amazing how those involved bought into the hype without questioning more. As Licia Corbella in the Calgary Sun says and I quote: "Much money is at stake -- much more than Enron multiplied"

Whistleblowers get Kiss-Off

h/t The Canadian Sentinel

The money involved in emissions trading and Kyoto is BILLIONS of dollars. More from TCS on the corruption involved:

More Evidence Climate Change Alarmism is a Hoax
Global Warming a Theory, Not Scientific Fact: Worthington
An Alternative Theory of Global Warming

The scary thing is that these THEORIES will be used to decimate economies and move money into pockets. Another seemingly good cause hijacked. Watch for the NEP2 and what you don't hear from the MSM....

At least she doesn't write stories in her pajamas
Y2Kyoto - An Inconvenient Czech President
Y2Kyoto: Maurice and the Media

Really, isn't there enough true pollution that we should be dealing with? I'm not saying don't study it, let's just focus our efforts on what we really know. I've reduced my garbage by recycling. Let's continue looking at alternative energy. Let's work on keeping our lakes, rivers, and oceans clean. But let's not decimate economies by shuffling money around to the offenders and invested parties.

Friday, February 09, 2007

There's Gold in them there Environmental Hills...

... or the evil behind good causes.

Dennis Miller said something about believing in man made global warming until the UN bought into it... or something like that. Along those lines, I bring you a Canadian who raises my "bullsh*t" radar and the little hairs on my arms. This Canadian has been involved in such wonderful causes as the UN, peace, and the environment. A true Canadian with Canadian values and someone who, in my opinion, epitomizes the evil that manipulates good causes and good intentions.

I bring you Maurice Strong. M. Strong, the Canadian who has been heavily involved in some way with the UN scandals like Oil-For-Food in Iraq, the previous liberal prime ministers, North Korea, China, and the architect of the beloved Liberal Kyoto agreement. In my opinion, anything he touches begs to be questioned and investigated for corruption. He certainly keeps company with abusers of human rights and causes while spouting and creating supposedly "save the world" causes. I have never met the man but I can tell you it appears that anything he touches seems to turn to gold in his pockets and scandals in the UN.

Read the article and think about Kyoto and other "good causes" raised by the international political community and tell me there isn't BIG money behind it. I submit that there's more to these "good causes" than meets the eye and the villains are using our good consciences while the true abusers, dictators, and manipulators are getting rich without any concern for the world.

At the United Nations, the Curious Career of Maurice Strong

h/t to:
Maurice Strong in the News
The Shadowy World of Maurice Strong

My previous articles on M. Strong
Oil-For-Food = Money For Dictators & UN Advisors
Adscam - the tip of the iceberg
The extreme left are programmed by the Illuminati

Further articles on the web about our fellow Canadian:

