Saturday, January 21, 2006

Liberal Dictatorship

Stephen Harper has been criticized by Martin for saying that the liberal appointed judges may not be independent. Once again, this shows the arrogance of the liberals. First, it shows that the liberals insist their agenda is the Canadian agenda and anything else is un-Canadian. Secondly, it expects us to believe that anyone in power is beyond reproach or examination.

Yes, I would like to believe that people in power, be they our government, the senate, judges, etc have the best of intentions. However, realistically, we know this to be false - particularly when power over long periods of time plays a part. The liberal government appointed the senate and the judges, not the Canadian people nor the parliament. The liberal government has had numerous investigations for a variety of unethical, corrupt, and criminal practices in government. It has been shown that most of these judges have contributed regularly to the liberal party. Follow the money. A corrupt government assigns power and we should blindly accept their choices?

The liberals truly expect us to be stupid enough to have blind faith in their appointees. Stephen Harper is chastised and demonized for questioning the absolute power wielded by the liberals. I, for one, am truly scared by the dictatorship in our government and the liberal attitude that we should not question this power. I pray Canadians and the media think this through before casting their votes.

1 comment:

Al said...

Some Eastern "professor- expert" was on CPAC last night saying the notion that the supreme court may be biased was absurd but agreed that if a conservative prime minister was in power long enough the supreme court could be biased.Where do they get these people from?
Anne Coulter is certainly correct when she states the true danger of the left is that they feel they are not biased!