The BBC has just completed a report on their own bias in reporting the news. This is refreshing and I wonder why they were prompted to investigate their bias. I would expect their numbers are down or perhaps they receive many complaints. Whatever the reason, good on them for investigating it and good on them for coming through with an honest report on themselves. It is refreshing because they could just bury their heads in the sand and proclaim they have no bias like the MSM who are losing their market share out there.
The mainstream media in the US and Canada could learn a lesson and the CBC, in particular, would do well to read the report. The CBC, funded by our Canadian government, and other MSM outlets (including newspapers and the parliamentary press gallery) continue to intertwine their socialist thinking and left wing bias into news reports. They do not even call them editorials anymore but news. They then wonder why they lose their viewership, readership, etc and why conservative talk radio and blogs are thriving.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I would think the CBC is insane but on reflection, they continue to do this, have extremely low ratings, and soak up the taxpayers money. It is obviously working for them and ratings are of no consequence to them. It's no wonder I lose my mind whenever I hear of my tax money funding it. I must be insane to think the CBC would consider this report or bother looking at themselves like the BBC has done. Obviously, there is more accountability in the UK.
BBC's Complete Report on its Bias: 'Safeguarding Impartiality in the 21st Century'
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Canadian Taxpayer Insanity OR Why Conservative Radio is being Attacked in the US
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
The Green Religion alias I'm Losing My Sense of Humor
There are alot of horrible things happening in this world. Worldwide poverty and starvation, genocide, human slavery, women being stoned to death for being raped, people in China being sacrificed for their organs, girls undergoing genital mutilation, etc. Right here in Canada and the US, we have child pornography, pedophiles and violent criminals getting off easy to repeat offend, huge healthcare deficiencies, homeless people who should be in mental health facilities, etc. Environmentally, we have sewage and chemicals being dumped into oceans and rivers, pollution, animal cruelty, etc. I could go on and on about the evils and injustices of the world.
It is because of these issues that I am particularly furious with the whole "theory" of global warming. It has become a religion for enviroradicals and a top priority. How did this happen? A consensus was apparently reached by scientists but that, by no means, enshrines this belief system as fact. I won't get into all the arguments but suffice it to say, this CO2 theory has become a FACT and to question it is heresy. Like Irshad Manji from my previous post, there is something vastly wrong with a "religion" that does not allow open discussion or questioning of it.
The worst thing about this religion is, much like radical Islamist, this belief is being forced on me. Submission is the only answer or you are evil and stupid. This point was raised by Al in a post on a friend's blog and I think it is, unfortunately, true and scary. Submission involves billions of dollars in investment and lost opportunities in our country being excised from our taxes. These dollars are being funnelled in the name of Kyoto to countries throughout the world for not producing and regardless of their stances on human rights. How would you like it if you were forced to contribute billions of your tax dollars to the Catholic church because there is a consensus that God exists and overall, the religion has alot of good in it with the Thou shalt not kill, treat others as yourself, etc. or even worse, another religion in another country?
The worst part about all this is to think of all the good all that energy and money could do for people? Think of all the good all that enery and money could do for our environment? Think of all the people it could feed or areas in Canada that could be preserved. How has a theory trumped all the proven issues we are facing in our country? In a truly free compassionate country, why aren't we fighting Sharia Law instead of imposing Sharia Environmental law? (good point Al!) Since when did this belief trump all other beliefs to the point of "YOU WILL SUBMIT" whether you believe or not.
This post was precipitated from the following post at Procrastinatrix' blog:
I'm turning into a Xenophobe
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Being Offended is not the same as being Oppressed
I watched the PBS show "America at a Crossroads". There was a very bright young Canadian Muslim woman named Irshad Manji. Among many excellent points was a pearl of wisdom that went something like:
"In a diverse society, you will very likely be offended. Being offended is not the same as being oppressed."
Wise words and I will be thinking about this over the next few days. It is a good lesson. Is being offensive a criminal offense? Should it be? I think it has become so and how free or diverse is a society when this is the case. Very interesting.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
It's the Dalai Lama's fault...
Really, he was just asking for it. Between his foreign policies and his arrogant aggressive stances with other countries, who can blame the terrorists??? Perhaps the Buddhists are conspiring to knock off the Dalai Lama in order to blame it on terrorists and take over some country's oil? In fact, the Dalai Lama's actions are creating more terrorists.
Ridiculous? Of course it is.... and so is the idea that America is to blame for the terrorist threats and past attacks on their citizens.
Kate makes the point a little more elegantly than I do:
The Consequences of Buddhist Imperialism.
D.J. tries to shine a little reality into fantasy land
Will the lefties admit there's a war on now?
And really, Al Qaeda might as well stand in line because fundamental Christians are just as bad. I am sure the Dalai Lama is on their hit list as well.... sheeeeesh.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Good Times
Monday, March 12, 2007
An Inconvenient Alternative
I just watched the documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle. I have some questions regarding some points but less questions than I have regarding An Inconvenient Truth. I must say, I am getting more and more cynical regarding the UN, the media, hollywood, etc as I grow older. There are agendas everywhere and you must be very careful when viewing or reading anything anymore. This documentary should be watched by all who swallow everything hook, line, and sinker and especially those who watched the Academy Award winning documentary by Al Gore, who, incidentally, buys carbon credits in his own company. That alone should make you question his agenda.
Here are some links to blogs regarding the global warming hype and the OTHER documentary.
- The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Bright Sun, Warm Earth. Coincidence?
- Death to the Skeptic (a Canadian climatologist getting death threats)
- British Scientist warns of 'Moral Danger Behind Global Warming Hysteria'
- Sunday's Protest/Counterprotest (or... Calgary has moonbats too)
- Global Warming and You
- The continuing crisis
- Giving Students an Equal Perspective on Global Warming
- Canadian 'denier' threatened with death... and it's not reported in Canadian news
- Scientists receive death threats for questioning Man's Role in Global Warming
- There is no action to radical to defend Mother earth
- David Suzuki recommends rationing
- Documentary exposing Global Warming Myths Stir Media Controversy in England
- The Great Global Warming Swindle
- The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Mayors look for tax grab, cite global warming
- David Suzuki, Mr. Congeniality
- More Scientific Dissent on Climate Change
- Top Scientist Changes Mind on Climate Change
- Hannity Gives More than 70 reasons to Chill Global Warming Hype
- British Documentary: Global Warming 'Biggest Scam of Modern Times'
- Skeptical Documentary ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ Airs on British TV
- A Green Hypocrisy: Media Ignore Costs and Damage of Carbon Offsets
- Energetically Wasteful
- Green ghosts
- Mark Steyn: Nashville Paper Sat On Al Gore Electric-Bill Story
- Maurice Strong, back in the news
- Meet the Global Warming Skeptics
- Banning Dihydrogen Monoxide
- An Inconvenient Comparison
- The great polar bear fraud
- Public Radio Asks Why U.S. Should Adopt Failed E.U. Carbon Reduction Plans
- Suzuki Playing Gutter Politics
- More Inconvenient Truths
- Eco-warrior of the week
- Shilling for Enviro-Bucks
- David Suzuki Foundation can't face reality
- Sinister Developments
- Al Gore's 'Scientific' Media Study Isn't Scientific, And 'Dissent' Authors Oppose Dissent
- The nature of things
- Climate change: Inconvenient for you, but not for me (I'm rich)!
- Annie Warms the Planet another degree
- Eco-Phobia Goes Pediatric
- Al Gore: The unassuming capitalist
- Al Gore and David Suzuki benefit from your loss
- Great Moments in Climate Predictions
- While We're Onto the Topic of GW
Thank heavens for bloggers because you won't hear this on the MSM as a rule.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Liberal's Short Memories
... and they're counting on Canadians having short memories. Unfortunately, too many do.
There's a hew and cry by the liberals and the MSM about the Conservative government appointing partisan judges.
On the liberal website:
Stacking the courts threatens Judicial Independence
You've got to be kidding! Perhaps if you were ethical in any way, you would have changed this when you were in power and wouldn't have lambasted Harper for suggesting otherwise. Idiots.
If memory serves me right and I checked my blog, there was a hew and cry by the liberals and the MSM during the election when Harper had the audacity to suggest that the judges appointed by the previous liberal government were partisan. They suggested that judges were beyond reproach and to suggest otherwise was, well, un-Canadian. My previous blog:
Liberal Dictatorship
Our opposition parties care more about soundbites than actual government and the good of Canada. Harper tried to change this but was blocked and challenged on judge appointment changes all the way by YOU. Which is it? Are judges beyond reproach or are they partisan? Oh, I see, only your appointments were non-partisan? Give me a break.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Something Smells Rotten and it's NOT CO2
I just watched the Enron documentary this weekend called Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. It was quite amazing how those involved bought into the hype without questioning more. As Licia Corbella in the Calgary Sun says and I quote: "Much money is at stake -- much more than Enron multiplied"
Whistleblowers get Kiss-Off
h/t The Canadian Sentinel
The money involved in emissions trading and Kyoto is BILLIONS of dollars. More from TCS on the corruption involved:
More Evidence Climate Change Alarmism is a Hoax
Global Warming a Theory, Not Scientific Fact: Worthington
An Alternative Theory of Global Warming
The scary thing is that these THEORIES will be used to decimate economies and move money into pockets. Another seemingly good cause hijacked. Watch for the NEP2 and what you don't hear from the MSM....
At least she doesn't write stories in her pajamas
Y2Kyoto - An Inconvenient Czech President
Y2Kyoto: Maurice and the Media
Really, isn't there enough true pollution that we should be dealing with? I'm not saying don't study it, let's just focus our efforts on what we really know. I've reduced my garbage by recycling. Let's continue looking at alternative energy. Let's work on keeping our lakes, rivers, and oceans clean. But let's not decimate economies by shuffling money around to the offenders and invested parties.
Friday, February 09, 2007
There's Gold in them there Environmental Hills...
... or the evil behind good causes.
Dennis Miller said something about believing in man made global warming until the UN bought into it... or something like that. Along those lines, I bring you a Canadian who raises my "bullsh*t" radar and the little hairs on my arms. This Canadian has been involved in such wonderful causes as the UN, peace, and the environment. A true Canadian with Canadian values and someone who, in my opinion, epitomizes the evil that manipulates good causes and good intentions.
I bring you Maurice Strong. M. Strong, the Canadian who has been heavily involved in some way with the UN scandals like Oil-For-Food in Iraq, the previous liberal prime ministers, North Korea, China, and the architect of the beloved Liberal Kyoto agreement. In my opinion, anything he touches begs to be questioned and investigated for corruption. He certainly keeps company with abusers of human rights and causes while spouting and creating supposedly "save the world" causes. I have never met the man but I can tell you it appears that anything he touches seems to turn to gold in his pockets and scandals in the UN.
Read the article and think about Kyoto and other "good causes" raised by the international political community and tell me there isn't BIG money behind it. I submit that there's more to these "good causes" than meets the eye and the villains are using our good consciences while the true abusers, dictators, and manipulators are getting rich without any concern for the world.
At the United Nations, the Curious Career of Maurice Strong
h/t to:
Maurice Strong in the News
The Shadowy World of Maurice Strong
My previous articles on M. Strong
Oil-For-Food = Money For Dictators & UN Advisors
Adscam - the tip of the iceberg
The extreme left are programmed by the Illuminati
Further articles on the web about our fellow Canadian:
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Reminder: CO2 is NOT a pollutant...
I am all for caring for our environment and I get choked when I hear of cities dumping their sewage into the bay. That's why it makes me upset when envirounmentalists go on about manmade global warming and CO2 disaster stories. This is unproven science and there is so much "proven" damage to the environment.
I know, I know... I apparently am a heretic and a "flat-earth" believer. Ahh well, note the subtitle of my blog... I'm used to it. To top it all off, I believe Kyoto is a money-grab designed by alleged UN "Oil-for-food" participant, Moe Strong.
At least I have some intelligent company out there.. surprisingly not part of the MSM or Hollywood crowd.
Global Warming Skeptics Contest Al Gore’s Logic on ‘Hannity and Colmes’
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Reprieve for Rona on the Environment
Everyone seems to believe that Rona got "kicked out" of her environmental cabinet position. Personally, I believe the environmental position in government is an extremely difficult position to be in. The environmental cause is full of activists and invested lobbyists and "experts" whose climate "models" cannot be questioned. I have heard through various news media that I don't have a brain, lack intelligence, etc etc for questioning these "models" and predictions of apocalypse.
The environment has become an emotional Canadian "value" regardless of common sense and inhibiting any debate. For that reason, I believe Rona is breathing a sigh of relief right now. It would be my guess that she was saddled with this position for a short term and was promised to be free of it at a certain point in time. Congratulations, Rona, for making it out alive!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Spoiled Pets
Unfortunately, my baby tore his cruciate ligament at the dog park this summer. Rather than putting him through $4500 surgery, I am trying alternative therapy.
Here is the "spaz" enjoying his swimming therapy with one of his favorite people, Brenda - the pet physiotherapist. For those of you with injured pets, I would highly recommend this low impact method of getting them exercised. My dog's muscles have atrophied and has started to get a little muscle back since starting a few weeks ago. Brenda and staff are great at
Friday, December 08, 2006
Some quick thoughts....
I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy with my new venture. I've started contracting and the transition from "extended holiday and get rid of burnout" mode to "working for a living" mode has taken much of my emotional energy.
However, I do want to comment on a couple of things that I feel should be addressed.
First of all, I believe I should follow up on Oprah's second town hall meeting with Bill O'Reilly as the guest. Again, I must acknowledge Oprah for being fair and balanced despite, in my personal opinion, her tendency to lean "left". She does a much better job as a talk show host of giving balanced coverage than 99 percent of our news media. I don't alway agree with Bill O'Reilly but he is refreshing compared to other commentators on TV. I didn't understand the whole "culture warrior" thing but I realized, as I was watching, that it is a brilliant move. Although people accuse him of being divisive, and did so on Oprah as well, I think he is making an effort to rephrase the whole left versus right debate in order to move away from the "left" and "right" ingrained beliefs and get people thinking again above the labels. It is an interesting idea and anything but divisive.
On the topic of Oprah, I watched the Al Gore and global warming show. I watched it knowing Al Gore has an agenda and knowing it would not be particularly factual. The whole show was Al and his "documentary" however, I was happy to see that Oprah once again had a dissenting opinion for another expert. When Al Gore "pooh-poohed" the expert's opinion, Oprah did point out that the opinion was from an expert as well and was a valid opinion. Hats off to Oprah even though, in my personal opinion, she believes the hype as well. She is a better woman than I for standing up for an opinion that varies from hers. It was also interesting that the global warming critics are accusing corporations of funding the experts with dissenting opinion on global warming. How does this differ from the agenda of the experts who agree with global warming being funded significantly by governments and environmental organizations. I would state that no matter what the experts on both sides say, money is a significant factor on BOTH sides.
Finally, my comments on Harper and his record as prime minister. Let me preface this by saying that I am heartened by his leadership and it is a pleasure to have a prime minister who actually gets things done and stands by his promises. I tend to put people up on a pedestal and therefore am extremely disillusioned when they fall. I am trying to keep that in mind as I judge his performance but let me say I have been extremely disappointed in a couple of his decisions of late.
The Income Trust decision was made in a much fairer way than that under the liberals. Insiders did not get a "heads up" in order to make massive amounts of money before the public got wind of it, allegedly. However, the conservative government made a promise not to tax income trust. Therefore, people who trusted conservatives (particularly conservatives), heavily invested in income trusts. I know of a retired couple who lost many thousands of dollars in their retirement fund because of this decision and severely impacted their "golden years". For a government that has made good on promises, this was very disheartening. This broken promise had a major negative impact on people I love.
The nation within a nation thing has me bothered as well. I am hoping it is a brilliant political move with aspects that I am not aware of that make it positive. It is not a normally conservative thing to do. I am totally against the idea of any special status given to any segment of a population. I rally against any rights that give any group "special" rights that are not afforded to anyone. I will write one day about how I feel on "special" statuses and the whole SOW thing and how I feel "special" status is divisive, bigoted, inequal, and counter productive. Harper and the conservatives have long been the champions of freedom and recognition for all people and all provinces. I worry about the ramifications of this recognition of "nationhood" and whether we are travelling down the "distinct" (read special" road again.
Okay... so, I have done my duty and blogged and have to go back to motivating myself to make a living again. Personally, let it be noted that being a true conservative, my extended holiday was not taken at the taxpayer's expense. That allotment should be for the needy, not the vacationer.
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Take a few minutes to remember the courage of those who fought for ours and others' freedoms and for those who still do.
A Pittance in Time
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The Best Defense is a Good Offense...Oprah and Frank
I watched Oprah Winfrey's townhall show today. She had just read Frank Rich's book "The Greatest Story Ever Sold" and had him on as a guest for a townhall show. Frank works for the New York Times... one of the largest left biased papers in the US. Frank however states he is not "left" but has some "liberal views"... yeah, whatever Frank.
So, here is my take on the show. When I first started watching and saw the Frank was the main guest and the title of the book, I thought: "Oh no, another propaganda show by the media to push their left agenda". I just about turned it off because I get enough of this in the media. To my surprise, there was intelligent conversation going on. Bear with me here. It was a relief to my blood pressure levels when Oprah ran a very fair and balanced show. To balance the left spin from the guest, as a townhall, the audience participated. Although Oprah asked Americans to question whether there is critical thinking and why people aren't informed, it was apparent that many in the audience were well informed and critical thinkers. Chalk one up against Frank Rich because I guess the idea was, if they agree with the government instead of the MSM, people must not be informed or critical thinkers. The audience proved them wrong.
Frank began his spiel with the whole idea that the government "sold" America on the Iraq war by misinforming them about WMD's and misinforming America that Iraq needed to be attacked as they were responsible for 9/11. Lo and behold, thanks again to the audience and Oprah's questions, when Oprah asked the audience if they believed at the time they went to war with Iraq that Saddam and Iraq were responsible for 9/11, a huge majority of the audience did not believe Sadam and Iraq were responsible. Then Oprah asked if people had heard that Saddam was involved with Al Qaeda in the media. Again, an overwhelming majority agreed they had heard in the media that this was true. To top it off, it was agreed that the Bush administration had not said that Iraq had caused 9/11, but Frank stated that he "suggested" this by mentioning them in the same sentence sometimes, by innuendo etc. So, lets recap: Frank Rich states that Bush "sold" America by "mindmelding" (as one audience member said) and innuendo, the audience all agreed they heard from the media that Iraq was involved in 9/11, yet overwhelmingly the audience did not BELIEVE at the time that Saddam and Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. Hmmmm... sounds to me like critical thinking and being informed regardless of the media, innuendos, etc. Kind of blows the theory and his book to smithereens.
He also says that Bush scared people about WMDs and threats of a "mushroom" cloud. This is another issue and I, personally, still believe there were and they were hidden or moved to Syria. He states that Hans Blix said that Saddam was "starting to cooperate" when Bush started the war. I say, this is after 19 UN sanctions were still being thwarted by Saddam. As one audience member pointed out "what is a country to do". I agreed with this audience member. The funny thing is that Oprah just showed a program about the danger of North Korea yesterday and the scary fact that they now have nuclear capabilities. The rest of the world are in a quandary and NK is threatening the US now that it has them. Much of the US is calling for some sort of action and lamenting previous inaction. I believe Iraq could have been NK if left to their devices. Anyway, I will continue with the show...
Frank Rich proceeded to say that the media misleads and focuses on the "fireworks" of bombs going off but do not show the horror of bombs being dropped on families, etc. He talked about how they instead show a small group of Iraqis bringing down Saddam's statue for hours and that Iraqis had not truly welcomed the invasion. Again, thank heavens for the audience. Immediately, two different audience members (one a soldier who had been in Iraq and one whose cousin had served in Iraq) agreed with Frank that the media definitely misinforms. They talked about how the media focuses on the blood and the bad but never tells the stories of how over and over again, Iraqis thank the American soldiers in Iraq. They state that the media never shows all the gratefulness of many Iraqis and the positive and rebuilding going on and kids going back to school. Hmmmm.... blows Frank's theory again. On the other hand, another soldier did stand up and say some soldiers were confused.
I could go on but suffice it to say, it was illuminating. The audience was asked if they believed the media. Again, an overwhelming majority do not believe the media. Here is my opinion: the media have been overwhelmingly biased in their reporting and have been getting "bad press", particularly papers like the New York Times for pushing their agenda into stories instead of reporting the facts and a balanced approach to let readers and viewers make up their mind. Frank proceeds to write a book with the basic premise that people are believing misinformation on:
- "suggestions" and "innuendos" from the government.
- the positive slant on Iraq from media
- are not critical thinkers and not informing themselves
- did not believe the "suggestions" from the government
- believe there is a much more negative slant from the media on Iraq than the reality and don't believe the media in general
- are critical thinkers and trying to inform themselves
Saturday, September 30, 2006
The Left Denounces Their Extremists
I have often been totally confused by the left's stand on terror and international affairs. For a group that says they champion human rights and are pro-choice on everything, I can never understand their propensity to champion the worst offenders and oppressors of human rights. As we ask Muslims to denounce terror and their extremists, it is nice to see the Left denounce terror and their extremists. This video asks the questions I keep asking...
No Excuses for Terror
h/t a commenter at SDA
Friday, September 29, 2006
Steve Irwin - A Life Well Lived
Okay, I have to admit, Barbara Walters made me cry on 20/20 last night. Steve Irwin's widow, Terry, was interviewed.
I have meant to comment for a while on his death because I found the man fascinating. He had such an enthusiasm and passion for life that I couldn't help but smile when I watched him. Terry said, during her interview, that even knowing how it all ends, she would do it all over again.
It is this kind of life that I think all of us yearn for. Steve was an inspiration to all of us to find our passion. I do wish I had known him and by crikey, we'll miss him. Terry is also an inspiration in that we (and especially me!) could all learn that fear of loss should never override living life.
As an aside, it is incredibly strange the way he died. I am a chicken (see last paragraph) through and through but have snorkelled with stingrays a couple of times in the Caymans and the Cook Islands. They are basically beautiful graceful docile creatures. The fact that he wrestled crocs and snakes and then died from a stingray makes me think that there is a plan and when you're time is up, it's up.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
A Mother Honours her Son - a True Canadian Hero
My sympathies, my respect, and my heartfelt thanks go to Shane Keating and his mother Judith Budd for their sacrifice. It is very sad and it breaks my heart. This mother honours his life in a way I have not seen in the press.
Corporal Shane Keating's Mother speaks
This is why it makes me even angrier when a member of our country's parliament dishonours them. It is a cheap political ploy at the expense of people who have given their lives for our freedom and the freedom of others.
However, I am truly proud when our prime minister speaks to the world and in Canada thousands of people rally for a noble cause.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
ASSISTED SUICIDE FOR DEPRESSED - Slippery Slope now a Waterslide
One of the many reasons I am against Assisted Suicide is that the person requesting it may be depressed and not diagnosed. If a person is depressed, they will make decisions they otherwise would not. Depression makes it very hard to cope with the simplest of issues. There is medication today that can correct the chemical imbalance in the brain and bring you back to normal. (aside: tom cruise is an idiot)
So, for this reason, patients may want assisted suicide without being of right mind due to an illness. (Another reason is that our government pays for healthcare and it is cost effective so the slope is even slipperier but that is an issue for another day. Unless, of course, this is part of the issue in Britain).
There are now arguments in Europe for allowing assisted suicide for the depressed. Unbelievable! The slippery slope is now giving them a toboggan.
ASSISTED SUICIDE FOR DEPRESSED: "ASSISTED SUICIDE FOR DEPRESSED Britons suffering from severe depression may soon be able to opt for assisted suicide in a Swiss clinic, its founder claimed yesterday."