There are alot of angry parents who have chosen to stay home and care for their children. One of those angry parents is my own. Here is my mother's submission:
I would like the liberals to answer a question my son asked me when he was young. He said some of his friends' moms were going back to work. "How come you aren't? Are you stupid?"
My answer: "I thought about going back to work because then my conversations wouldn't just be 'No, you can't' or 'Yes, you can.' But I thought and thought about who would care more about my children than me and I couldn't think of anyone who would. So, do you think I'm stupid?"
He said "I guess not".
Do the Liberals feel that parents who stay at home to care for their children are stupid?
I can understand my mother's and other parents' anger when the liberals claim families would spend their money on "beer and popcorn";when they claim the government knows how to raise children better than their parents do and will make better decisions. This attitude is not a matter of making it easier for those parents who must work, it is actually denigrating parents who don't work outside the home.
The conservative plan will help those parents who choose to stay at home and choose their children's care as their job, those parents who work shift work, those parents who work from home, those parents in rural communities, those parents who choose to leave their children with family, as well as the parents that choose not to.

When Canadian governments at all levels felt physicians were the cause of rising health care costs, American recruiters were saying Canadian doctors and nurses were ethical, well trained, and had a great work ethic. We lost thousands of doctors and nurses to the U.S. Socialists said it was the money. It's not the money, stupid, it's the recognition of a job well done.
Canada's reproduction rate continues to drop at an incredible rate. Could it be that, we as a society, no longer value our mothers? After all, our present government thinks they can do a better job than a stay at home parent. Perhaps they should incubate their own children and raise them.(Hope Paul Martin's campaign office doesn't see this).
Mom, go check out the "Are you Dumb?" post on my blog. You're not dumb! Haha.
Seriously though, I loved having you at home to take care of us and it was a very very busy job at that! On the odd day when you wouldn't be there when I got home from school, I'd get home to an empty house and I'd just feel empty.
I wonder how many kids feel empty every day?
Great post, your comments really drive the point home Mom.
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