Saturday, June 23, 2007

Victim Mentality Prevents Evolution

Granted, I avoid watching and reading much of the MSM for my news and I am much more informed internationally for it, but I have not seen much outcry from the left for the Palestinians and horrors there. In fact, when asking people, they don't seem to be aware of what is going on. I believe it is because Israel hasn't been involved in the death and destruction in Palestine. Had Israel stepped in, I assure you the many more people would be aware because the MSM and the left would be blaming Israel.

For those of you who do not know, there has been major internal warfare going on in Palestine. I think the following articles are great reads and point to the irrationality of the victim mentality. This victim mentality shows how groups, minorities, cultures, countries, etc do themselves a disservice and do not grow and become stronger. I believe it is part of the problem with society everywhere, including factions of our own.

Palestine is an example of this.

Watch the Fault Line

Israel a beacon for Mid East

h/t National Newswatch

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