Saturday, July 14, 2007

Schmucko.... or Why I don't Watch the CBC..

... and it annoys me that my taxes are paying for this. On the up side, it was inspiring to watch this woman speak. It's too bad it was interspersed with the embarrassing interviewer who is a complete idiot in my opinion. It is interesting to read the comments and I wonder if his lineage is true... if so, it explains alot.

Watch how this woman calmly responds to his inane questions. I admire this because I would have lost my temper. Mind you, this woman has been through so much in her life, I'm sure this interview and his attitude were irrelevant.

Evil Anti-American Infestation!


Al said...

Couldn't believe that he would equate abortion to holding hands and then totally miss the fact that the law makers did the stonong of the hand holders, whereas the system here prosecuted the shooter of the abortionist. Why would anyone ever watch his program after totally discrediting himself during that interview.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I couldn't believe his comparisons. I really think it shows his bias as they make absolutely no sense. Comparing a horrible act that is endorsed by the system to a horrible act that is persecuted by the system is just bizarre.