Friday, March 28, 2008


Stop action on climate change until scientists get a true handle on what is going on. Celebrate Earth Day by putting your money and passion into true environmental issues. Recycle! Don't Litter! Don't dump your waste into oceans, lakes, and rivers! Ride a bike to work if you can to reduce pollution.

On March 29th, from 8-9 PM, join me by turning on every light in your house and yard to protest climate change action!

ADDENDUM: I heard that the World Wildlife Foundation was sponsoring this. I have donated to WWF before thinking they were concerned with, well, WILDLIFE. I can guarantee I won't be donating again.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bring on Global Warming

Seriously, as Canadians, we should be celebrating Global Warming. If I truly believed AGW was true and CO2 had anything to do with it, I would be capturing it myself to save myself on heating bills.

Environmentalists have shot themselves in the foot as I now do not take anything they say seriously. I was thinking perhaps Suzuki would like to come shovel my sidewalk in this weather though....

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Pendulum between Emotions and Rational Thought

In a previous post, I discussed the audio from a talk about "western values"/universal values and my constant struggle between what is right and wrong.

My parents often talk about the pendulum that swings too far one way or the other in society to correct itself. I have commented on other people's blogs about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I do think our society has swung too far in the direction of non-judgement in an attempt to throw out past wrongs of society.

Again, if you are considering your view on life and right and wrong, as everyone should, I would urge you to listen and consider that the pendulum is swinging toward evil in this direction as well.

h/t Tolerance (Bumped) - Small Dead Animals

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sex in the Whitehouse... update

The link in the previous post was taken down but you can find it on Comedy Central now.

Is America Ready for a Woman President?

I know the title makes you think about Clinton but this is actually not about Bill.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Universal Values

I just listened to a debate in Britain about "western" values versus other values. At first I thought it was about this difference but it appears the debate was about ASSERTING "western" values against other values.
If you have alot of time and are questioning yourself on this issue, it is well worth it.

A commenter pointed out that the values discussed are, in fact, universal values, and the west has adopted them. I would agree with that. I am disheartened when people state that these "universal values" are not for everyone. Values like freedom of religion, equality of sexes, etc are universal values. We should all really question ourselves if only certain people deserve these values and basic rights and how far we should go to ensure they do.

One of the questions to be considered is the term "value". For example, if I value equality regardless of religion as well as valuing freedom of religion, does that mean that Sharia law is valid for women because it is their religion? I would argue absolutely not because it transgresses universal values.

The other term bandied about in the debate is asserting. Does asserting always mean violence or does it simply mean defending AND, if we do not defend, then are we on a path to being overrun by other values? Along those lines, I often think of countries like neighbors. If my neighbor is beating his wife, do I let that pass because it is permitted in their religion? If I call the police and they do nothing, where and when do I step in? If females are not equal in another country, do I step in and assert my values? How far should I take it? These are questions I have examined and discussed with many people over the years and struggle. Do universal values of freedom and equality trump a neighbor's "way of life" or a country's "way of life" and how do you defend that to yourself. I, for example, would have stood by interfering in Iraq AND Darfur without UN approval. (I don't believe you can stand by interfering in Darfur without UN approval without standing by Iraq as well but that's another long debate for another day.)

Additionally, if you truly believe in universal values for everyone and realistically it is not feasible to interfere everywhere, how do you pick and choose. We each decide what we can and cannot live with... what do you tell yourself? Keep in mind that a question about level of interference is something to think about and what do you tell yourself?. Are you okay with your neighbor's wife or wives being beaten for many years while you discuss it or while the police don't do anything about it?

Here's another question I read the other day and it is a loaded question. I value democracy however, if a majority of Canadians wanted to vote in a government that believed in Sharia law which transgresses universal values of freedom or equality, what happens then? Has democracy failed for me?

These are all questions I wrestle with throughout my life and often on my blog. Although the UK debate doesn't touch on some of these things, it is worth the listen to get you thinking...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sex in the Whitehouse

Samantha B on the Daily Show parodies Sex in the City. I don't watch the Daily Show but after seeing this clip, I will have to start. Regardless of your political leanings, this is hilarious. I don't care who you are, this is funny!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Pave our planet. Start with the wetlands so that we are doing SOMETHING.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

101 People who are screwing up Canada

There is an interesting list of 101 People Who Are Screwing up Canada. There are a few I don't think should be on there and many I absolutely agree with. The one person missing that should be number 1 is Pierre Trudeau. I am not sure why he's not on the list. It could be that he's not active at the present time however, in my opinion, his policies from years ago are actively screwing up Canada to this day. The even sadder thing is - I didn't even question the premise.

h/t SDA

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Schmucko.... or Why I don't Watch the CBC..

... and it annoys me that my taxes are paying for this. On the up side, it was inspiring to watch this woman speak. It's too bad it was interspersed with the embarrassing interviewer who is a complete idiot in my opinion. It is interesting to read the comments and I wonder if his lineage is true... if so, it explains alot.

Watch how this woman calmly responds to his inane questions. I admire this because I would have lost my temper. Mind you, this woman has been through so much in her life, I'm sure this interview and his attitude were irrelevant.

Evil Anti-American Infestation!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I really think it is a travesty that Moore's movies are misrepresented as documentaries rather than the fictional set up they are. Regardless, I am thinking by now that most people take what he portrays with a barrel of salt.

As I have portrayed in a previous blog, I can't understand how anyone can consider Cuba as a model for anything. I wonder how the US, or Canada for that matter, would feel about tourists paying for better care than their citizens get. Here are some more pics I have found on blogs regarding the state of healthcare for the Cuban citizen:

The Real Sicko Pictures: Cuba's Healthcare

Yep, that's some real compassion there!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Scottish Foreign Policy

'Cuz you know... considering Scotland's foreign policy and their intrusion into Middle Eastern affairs, it was only a matter of time.

The latest attack on Scotland should show you that the Iraq war, foreign policy, etc has nothing to do with radical Islam's attack on western culture.

Glasgow Airport Attack Linked to Attempted London Bombings

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sue me

This blows. It makes me want to go out and EXHALE a whole bunch right in front of a lawyer or an environmentalist.

Law Firms Preparing to Sue over Global Warming

On the other hand, perhaps we'll hear some actual facts for a change from the defense lawyers. Personally, Salem Witch Trials come to mind.. there was a consensus there too.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Crime Pays

As in the previous post where I believe the victim mentality pays (with no positive results for society), it has become obvious to me that crime pays.

Last month, I heard on the radio that there were two major arrests in Calgary on the sale of credit card skimming devices over the internet. I'm listening to the news story on the radio about the first arrest and the news announcer states that this is the 4th time the perpetrator has been arrested on similar but less serious charges THIS YEAR. What is going on in our court systems in Calgary? Shouldn't the second conviction THIS year (considering it was May of THIS YEAR) have resulted in incarceration for the rest of THIS YEAR, or, at the very least, the third!!!?

Aside from that, one of my pet peeves is doing work over again. I feel for the Calgary Police who are arresting criminals over and over again and the perpetrators simply walk out and continue their crimes. Unbelievable.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Victim Mentality Prevents Evolution

Granted, I avoid watching and reading much of the MSM for my news and I am much more informed internationally for it, but I have not seen much outcry from the left for the Palestinians and horrors there. In fact, when asking people, they don't seem to be aware of what is going on. I believe it is because Israel hasn't been involved in the death and destruction in Palestine. Had Israel stepped in, I assure you the many more people would be aware because the MSM and the left would be blaming Israel.

For those of you who do not know, there has been major internal warfare going on in Palestine. I think the following articles are great reads and point to the irrationality of the victim mentality. This victim mentality shows how groups, minorities, cultures, countries, etc do themselves a disservice and do not grow and become stronger. I believe it is part of the problem with society everywhere, including factions of our own.

Palestine is an example of this.

Watch the Fault Line

Israel a beacon for Mid East

h/t National Newswatch